Friday, August 19, 2011

A guest and im sick!

I know! I know! (Hangs head in shame)

I missed a day. But let me explain my day was terrible, ok not TERRIBLE but fast and exhausting!

 Miss P top tooth FINALLY broke through the skin and now we have two more to go! She was whining and fussy ALL DAY and I couldn't even put her down to eat dinner or go to the rest room. ( No lie! I held her on my lap while I did my business)

Life of a mother!

Today is a tad better. But today I feel myself getting sick!

Sore throat, dry itchy eyes, throbbing sinuses!

Yup, and I still went to the gym this am. But as for tomorrow I AM going to I AM going to go to the gym tomorrow... I hope.

 I do need to make sure I am healthy to take care of Miss P cause a sick mama means a tired mama and a impatient mama. And I do not want to subject Miss P to that, cause well its not fair to her!

In other news! My sister "Auntie Sissy" is here to spend the weekend with Miss P.

This will be her first weekend with her since she was born where Miss P or I are not on some sort of time schdule and has her ALL to her self! About time you think?
 Although she is studying between her hangng time for her boards test she has coming up!  At the beginning of next month! Good Luck Sis!

Photos for the greedy :)

Trying to make sure I get some photos of baby girl and I together!

decided this is were she wanted to lay down,

Looking at the baby in the mirror.

Jumping on auntie sissy's lamp while watching her new P is for Princess movie that Auntie bought her!

Here is to getting sleep, feeling better and looking like a rock star!


  1. Yay for Auntie Sissy! Try to relax and have fun with Miss P and your lil sis!

  2. I have totally been there. Mom's are so good at multi-tasking! There are always so many pictures of the baby, the baby with Daddy, the baby with family and friends, but no one ever takes pictures of baby and Mommy! Why is that!?
