Thursday, October 28, 2010

Weekly Update: 30 Weeks

WEEK: 30.. and the count down begins! 10 weeks to go!




THIS WEEK THE BABY IS: Baby girl your a whopping 15.7 inches long now your getting so big, and you weigh almost 3 pounds!!! Growing big and strong like a good girl! A pint and a half of amniotic fluid surrounds your precious body, but that volume will decrease as you gets bigger and takes up more room in mommy's uterus. Your eyesight continues to develop, though it's not very keen; even after you are born, you will keep her eyes closed for a good part of the day. When you do open your little eyes baby girl you will respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision — which means you can only make out objects a few inches from your face, which is ok lil one mommy will be up in your face a lot giving you lots and lots of kisses.

SYMPTOMS: Pubic Bone pain... its getting worse and WORSE and even WORSE especially after the car accident :(

CURRENT MOOD: Stressed, I am not a stressful person in general, but so many different things going on in life right now has me in shambles... just need to relax and let Mr. G take care of things so our precious baby doesn't come out a stressed baby!

CURRENT CRAVING: Hot Chocolate and grilled cheese!

CURRENT WORRY: Birth. Need I say more? About the birth you ask? Just in general it makes me nervous, I just don't want it to hurt!


Monday, October 25, 2010

I am back from cali!

OK, so as you all know I went to California for a baby shower and I am definitely going to do a post on that soon. But for those of you who don't know I was in a car accident on Friday!

Eeek I know!

EVERYTHING IS OK! We are so blessed that nothing worse happened.

Recap: A little old lady ran a red light and I mean a RED LIGHT! And we hit her. The car next to us almost hit her first, we didn't see her car because the truck next to us blocked the view. The car is most likely totaled. We got super lucky that the air bags didn't deploy like they were supposed to. We were both really shaken up and was taken to the hospital to make sure that the baby wasn't stressed or I was going to go into early labor. All in all as accidents are concerned we got the best case possible (if there is one)

I am extremely sore from the impact and it has aggravated a few of my pregnancy pains, but I gladly take on these pains as long as my lil girl is safe and sound in my belly for another 10 weeks (give or take).

Here is some visual stimuli for those who like it:

( The pink thing is to see if I am having contractions, the blue is to hear the babies heart beat. I loved hearing her heart beat for 4 hrs! It was the only fun part about the hospital!)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Weekly Update: 29 Weeks!

WEEK: 29




THIS WEEK THE BABY IS: Baby girl you now weigh about 2 1/2 pounds and area a tad over 15 inches long from head to heel. Your tiny muscles and lungs are continuing to mature, and your head is growing bigger to make room for soon to be so smart developing brain. To meet your increasing nutritional demands, Mommy will need plenty of protein, vitamins C, folic acid, and iron. And because your little bones are soaking up lots of calcium, mommy needs to make sure she drinks lots of milk (or cheese, yogurt, or enriched orange juice). This trimester, about 250 milligrams of calcium are deposited into your body baby, your skeleton is hardening more and more each day.

SYMPTOMS: Pubic Bone pain... its getting worse and WORSE!

CURRENT MOOD: Irritable... Dunno what to happens. I gained 8 lbs during my trip to California...ooops. That is what I get for eating whatever I want and sitting on my butt all day! Back to healthy eating and my exercising! I am proud to say that my blood pressure has the nurses impressed :) They say so every visit.


CURRENT WORRY: Getting more uncomfortable than I already am. I know it will happen but I can't help but worry about it. As long as the baby is good and healthy I can work through it!


Weekly Update: 28 Weeks

WEEK: 28




THIS WEEK THE BABY IS: By this week, baby girl you weigh about two and a quarter pounds and measure up to 14.8 inches from the top of your head to your little heels. You can blink your precious eyes, which now sport lashes. With your eyesight developing, you may be able to see the light that filters in through my womb. Little one your also developing billions of neurons in your brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.

SYMPTOMS: Pubic Bone pain... its getting worse.

CURRENT MOOD: Irritable... Dunno what to happens.


CURRENT WORRY: Just how I will adjust to learning how to handle my new baby, her crying, my lack of sleep, losing baby weight, and handling the opinions and suggestions of everyone, and how to respectfully stand my ground when it comes to my baby without hurting others feelings.... not too much right?


Sorry about the butt shot! It is what it is :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Clevland County Fair

The fair was FUN!!! Mostly for my taste buds not so much my feet and back! But all in all I had a blast!!!

First, let me explain why we went. For the food! Mr. G is a lameo and does not ride rides like me. Which next year! It is on! There was some cool ones that I wanted to ride soooo bad!

Also, I am a bone head / preggers brain and forgot my memory card in my camera!!! I was pissed! So all the photos you are about to see are from my trusty blackberry. Sorry, not top quality photos! boo!

Ok so first food adventure was the basic grilled corn. No photo because come on people we all know what corn on the cob looks like!

Next was on to the Deep Fried Oreos! And let me tell you they were delish! OMG! The oreos inside were warm and gooey...oh man....

The deep fried Twinkies were a surprise yummy! I didn't I would like it but I loved it! Don't worry Mr. G and I shared them so we didn't clog up are artistes too much!

Mr. G HAD to have a turkey leg! It was big and a little intimidating to me! But he threw hot sauce all over it and went to town!

Can you tell he loved it?!

They also had a thing that was called Elephant Ears. They looked like funnel cake that was a pancake form. They smother it with cinnamon and sugar and whatever else you wanted on it. Next time I am gonna try it! But I was too full at this point to eat anything else and it was BIG!

There were sooo many vendors!

Ps, I want these pants. Apparently they are a hot item to wear to the fair, because a lot of girls were wearing them! Well that or cameo jackets and hats. Only in the country. hahhaah

It was fun, next year I will have more and better photos!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Sherman to the rescue!

So its no secret that there are a lot of little critters around here on the lake. Well sometimes these little guys sneak into the house.

Well Mr. G and I were a tad lazy last night when a cricket got into the house... this is a video of how we ride our place of bugs!

PS I replayed the video to make sure that it was working properly. Sherman barked at himself. lol I should have videoed that!

Weekly Update: 27 Weeks!

WEEK: 27




THIS WEEK THE BABY IS: This week, baby girl you weight almost 2 pounds!!!! And about 14 1/2 inches long with your legs extended! You are now sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing your beautiful eyes, and perhaps even sucking on your itty bitty fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your brain is now very active now. While your little lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if you were to be born now. But lets keep cooking, little one OK?! I am to chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements I may be feeling as a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother your little one, so I will just relax and enjoy the tickle.


SYMPTOMS: Pubic Bone pain... I went to the doctors yesterday and suggested a girdle for me to wear when I get a little bigger. He explained that because my belly is smaller that the weight is more concentrated on my pubic bone which is why I feel such sharp pains. Isn't that just awesome?! I asked him when I get bigger if the pain would lessen. His answer "Nope" He said it will get worse, basically until I deliver! Sweet!

CURRENT MOOD: Excited! I am going to visit California and that will make the time go by so fast!

CURRENT CRAVING: Chocolate milk and grilled cheese sandwiches! I can clearly determine my craves for sure! Remember when Popsicle were the rave, the idea of having one now is boring! Ha so funny how that works!

CURRENT WORRY: How is Mr. G going to adjust?! The lack of sleep, less fantasy football time. Should be interesting!

BELLY PHOTO HERE: Gotta love the belly button!!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Going going back back to cali cali...

That's right peeps! I am going back to California in 3 days! I am sooooo excited! To see all my friends and family before baby G comes!

While I am California I get to:

Have two baby showers! Yay!

I get meet Baby S! Yaaay!

I get to spend some time with the Optimal Crew!! Woot!

I get to see my bff who is one month ahead of me in this preggers deal! Yaaaaaay!

I get to see my SESTER and stalk her around her work! YAAAY!

I get to spend time with my In-Laws! Yay!

I get to go to court to fight a ticket! Boo!

But!! I get to have Target, Mexican food, Starbucks, regular stores, and my friends and family all at my finger tips!

Can you tell I am excited?! If not your lame!

Okie Dokie... Enough Captial letters and exclamation marks! Good bye!