Friday, March 19, 2010

Play date!

On Friday I had a play date with an old teammate of mine and we had a blast! I am definitely going to be sore tomorrow!

Here are a few videos of the stuff I did! Not to shabby for and ole lady!!!

Sorry the video is sideways, I am not sure how to turn it :(

This is me doing a back flip running up a wall.

This is just good ole fashion double back from the ole glory days, don't mind my grunting I was working hard :)

This is just a stunt move, that you would do off wall, or building etc.

This is just a special puppy :)

Happy weekend everyone!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Stuff and things...

Here is a list... of random things that has made me happy this week!!!

Forrest (even when he is a brat!)

My washer and Dryer is TINY! I takes 2 loads to do one normal medium size load! But it is so cute that it doesn't bug me.

I will make Lemon-aid some time soon. I took these lemons from my parents lemon tree! I am excited to try to some home made lemon-aid, but first I need a lemon squeeze.

Funny story, Mr. G is like Monica Gallegher in more way than I ever thought! Especially when it comes to his movies, where the dishes are in the cupboard, and there is more!!! See below, the lines indicate the dvd is a blue ray t. I seriously got a lecture because I didn't have the blue ray disk in the right place. It made me giggle when he wasn't looking ... sssshhhh!

My Bed is 'almost' too big for me!! It makes cuddling with Mr. G so difficult! I literally have to roll over at least twice before I even get close to him!!!!

It sucks that my garbage disposal is broke, cause my kitchen looks like this...the good part is I don't have to do my dishes for a few days!

When I go shopping I always keep an eye out for a Yoda T-shirt for Mr. G, it seems appropriate.

I learned in order to be a good cook you have to LOVE-LOVE-LOVE food to get it right...I am still working on it but I am getting better at it! Mr. G is a foodie, I want to be one too!

I seriously went to 4 stores to find Mizithra cheese (ugh)...

I made dinner that Mr. G and friend LOVED! (Mizithra cheese with spaghetti meat sauce with garlic cheesy bread! )

He wanted to help with the meat ( chopping it up smaller) I thought it was cute, its like having a cooking tutor!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Market Adventures

So, we all go to the market right? Well, everybody knows that there is an unspoken rule or etiquette that you follow when you shop for food. The other day I was at the market and I swear to you, almost every rule was broken by the rude shoppers at the store. On my last trip, not only did it test my patience, it also tested my ability to keep my yapper shut and not verbally assaults the lame-os at the store.
Now, I am one of those shoppers that has frequent visits to the market despise the fact that I make lists (remember I am a list person) I always to no fail, forget something that I forgot to put on a list. When this happen Mr. G usually has to rush to the store to pick up that (usually important) ingredient or tool.

I LOVE mangoes, if you didn't already know this...well now you do!

When I pick out mangoes I like to take my time and make sure I get the best ones. So, I was minding my own business when this man decided that he wanted to reach across my face to grab a few mangoes. I turn to look at him thinking this has to be a joke. Nope. No excuse me, no sorry, no word, nothing he just reaches across me and grabs a mango. AND we made eye contact!!! Seriously?!? So, I politely step aside and let him grab his stuff while I watch him pick out his mangoes. So rude! I wanted to throw a mango at his head and I might have, if I wasn't so worried about wasting it!

So, after that moment I am over it. I am very good at taking a deep breath and moving on (sometimes...that day was a good day). So, now I am in the checkout line and I start loading food onto the conveyor belt. I leave the appropriate amount of space between my food and the lady in front of me. I was planning on putting the little divider down as soon as I got a good chunk of food out of my cart. This lady grabs the divider, slams it down and pushes my food back as if my food was contaminating hers!! I was shocked! I stop in my tracks and stare at her! She almost pushed my eggs off the counter!!! I was MAD! How. Incredibly. Rude! Oh the things that went through my head at that moment were very immature and juvenile, but oh man, they all would have been great choices had I actually acted them out... boo for being mature. Soooo ... I took the high road and well let’s just say I accidentally bumped her with my cart on her way out... I know I am terrible.

ANYWAYS! Something funny... here is me and Mr. G working on a GQ looks during an amazing engagement photo session with the very Talented Lauren Miyaki (I will add her blog here ___ as soon as I can find it) This makes me laugh, because I am pretty sure we were trying not to laugh. And we ended up looking like we were trying way too hard and to top it off we look silly. Every time I see this photo it cracks me up.

What do you think we pull of that sexy, sultry bedroom eyes look well or you laughing too?!

P.S. I would like to announce that I officially changed my last name after standing in line for 4 hours at the DMV!!!! We are talking a line out the door and around the building, JUST to get a number and get inside to wait some more!! Aside from changing my name, I was able to do some amazing people watching WOW the things you see at the DMV!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Things missed...

I am back! It has been one heck of a week! So far I have had a birthday, moved, cooked, cleaned, shopped!There are the things that happened while I was without internet.

I turned 27 (bittersweet) here is dessert from Roys...

I moved!



(We still have some work to do, but not too bad for only being here a week)

And I did a little babysitting (fun!)

And I rescued a baby humming bird...

Things I have not done...
  • Change my last name
  • Take my recalled Prius to the dealership
When I started this list I swear it was longer in my head, but its not sooooo that is the end of that. Till tomorrow!!!

Almost back

Ok, I know I have been mia! But guess what?! I am getting internet this week! Which means... new posts! I can share some funny stories with you guys and show you photos of our new place... Keep an eye out for some good stuff soon!

Monday, March 1, 2010

drumroll please

We are moving!! TODAY! As I sit here and type this I should be packing! Yay! I am beyond excited!

I will have a updated post tomorrow on my weekend festivities and fun for now I will leave you with a this...

This guy asked me to dance...