Thursday, January 26, 2012

Hello there :)

So, it seems that some of you think I have forgotten about my blog. I haven't. I just really have no idea what to write about.. Its been an interesting few months nothing I want to share just know interesting as in exciting, stressful, know life. But I am back. I can't promise consistency, but I can promise I will be here and try to keep you entertained. Cause I mean come on I am awesome like that!

I have finally found something to start with. A friend of mine on Facebook posted this article about being a working mom and being a stay at home mom. I feel it is totally appropriate to share because I feel like every mom no matter what choices you have made or have to make you feel like this! Even if your a dad or a guy you should read this and understand that sometimes as a wife and mother...there is no win win for us. Hard to believe but it is true. We want so hard to be super woman but in all reality we really can't do it...

Here you go a dose of mommy-ness!
