Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Well hello!!

I know, I know, I have been MIA, but whew things got crazy busy for a few moments there and then on top of it I didn't have internet! It feels good to reconnected with reality!

Here is the cliff notes version of what has been going on...

We moved! Closer to Mr. G's campus. The house is nice and big (for us) and I am done unpacking! Yay! And now its on to decorating!

I took a trip to California! For my sweet sisters graduation from med school!So proud of her! It was 4 days too short and of course we came home exhausted. Thankfully no one got sick this time! But we did fly over that horrible tornado that smashed Missouri :( Scariest plane flight of my life!!!

My sister getting hooded! Such a proud moment for my sister and parents!
Our plane, it carried us safely over the scary tornado!

Miss  S and Miss P ... cousins!
Also, some exciting news is that we are having visitors this summer!!! I am over the moon excited! Cousin Casie is coming THIS Monday! And our cousins the G family is coming too, for Miss P and Miss S's first 4th of July! We are already worked on the menu and now we are working on scheduling the activities! Yippie!!

Lastly, I went back and forth on sharing this bit of information but I think the people who acutally read this blog already know this bit of information and this way I can share how I am doing and feeling.

I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's disease. Apparently, I have had this disease for a long while...but the stress of pregnancy made the symptoms worse and unbearable. I am going to try a non drug approach to deal with this, because treatment means steroids and the end of breast feeding which I am not ready to give up just yet. Also, once you start treatment you have to continue treatment forever! 

For those who do not know what Crohn's disease is, it is a autoimmune disease where my body attacks the colon causing lots of pain. Its a life long disease and will require a life long maintenance.

If you are interested in being educated about Crohn's here is a great link that explains well what I am and have gone through up to this point: http://www.everydayhealth.com/crohns-disease/understanding/facts-about-crohns-disease.aspx

Anyways, I have chosen to surpass the drug use and try a gluten free diet in attempt to control this disease. I am giving myself 3 months to feel a difference. So far its been one week and can I tell you IT IS HARD!

My next post will be solely dedicated to Miss P and her sweetness she is going to be 5 months in a week in a half ... bittersweet!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I am back!!

I finally have internet!

I will do one large post on everything that is going on!

Just a few more days and I will have it up! I am still unpacking! lol