Monday, September 20, 2010


I saw Bambi today!

I was driving by a neighbors house and saw a little deer in their yard! At first I thought it was a statue because of how long it stood still and then it moved! I got it on camera too! Woot!! He is so freaking cute! And he makes the cutest little squeaks! Now I want one as a pet! I kid I kid, trust me I haven't turned all country on you guys yet!

Oh and the other night Mr. G and I saw 5 large deer in another persons yard at like 12:30 at night! 5 of them!!!! I was bummed that my photos didn't turn out for those guys but this is way better! This is in broad day light!

Btw, don't mind my flash dance music and my obnoxious baby talk to Bambi!


1 comment:

  1. "Oh did you loose your mommy?"

    "Its Bambi (shriek)"

    "Go Bambi, Go!"

    I love how you get excited about this kinds of things,
    Its cute :)
