Friday, January 29, 2010

The million dollar question!

Mr. G & and I have been asked this questions a thousand times since we have gotten married!! What is this question you ask? It is not what you think it is. It is simply...

"Does Mr. G know where he is going to be working yet?!"

Finally I have an answer...

Next week around this time we will ultimately find out where we are going to be living! I am so very excited and so nervous at the same time! Aside from getting married this will the biggest milestone in our life together!

We have had so many discussions about the possibility of living on the east coast, moving to northern California and possibly staying in the area we are already in. Most importantly we both agreed we are OK with a move of this caliber. We also agree that it will suck missing out on my brother playing basketball, watching my cousin’s belly grow, simply not seeing our friends and family regularly. It saddens us. Which also makes me think of the things our families might possibly miss while we are gone, watching us grow and mature as one, watching our children grow up everyday (not anytime soon people!) and getting to know all our doggies we plan on getting! Despite the negative parts, it is Mr. G's passion which drives us to take these steps in life and it is worth the sacrifice to support him in his passion. I know that no matter where we end up I will be so happy because I will be with Mr. G. I love Mr. G so much.

I won’t lie, it has been quite a process this thing they call patience. I am not a fan to be honest. Just to make it clear I have no patience AT ALL and I capitalize "at all" to emphasize the seriousness in it! None, nada, zilch! Poor Mr. G has to remind me not to get excited quite possibly 3 times a day over something silly. It's just that deep down I am still a 7 year old little girl, and anything fun is like Christmas too me. I know I am lame, but I just can't help it.

Regardless of where we end up, I am so over the moon with the prospect of finally building a home. A place for just us, sleeping in our new King size bed (this queen it not cutting it!!), using all the awesome wedding gifts that are still in boxes. I am also super motivated to change my label as a "non-cooker" and host dinners and serve yummy food!!! See I am getting all excited and a head of myself again. OK Mrs. G, one step at a time, lets find out where we are living.

If you have read this far your a stud and I promise for a more entertaining post tomorrow!

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