Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I know I told you guys that there would be big news last week about Mr. G and his job. I hate to share that I have nothing to tell you. Nothing at all! Nothing more has happened other than being told we need to wait some more!!! Grrrr

Doesn't that just suck?! What I am learning here is that most of the time frames we have been given do not mean anything other than a guaranteed phone call back saying, you need to wait some more. It seem each week one possibility will look like it will follow through and happen and then the next day we hear other news and then this other job seem even more of a possibility. It is irritating but I better get used to it! This will be my life as a coach’s wife, aside from hosting player’s dinners and attending football games to cheer on my “favorite” team. Everything about what I have learned thus far has been a dizzying experience. It seems the theme here is to hurry up and wait and then wait some more! I wish I knew Spanish I would seriously rattle off how I really feel just like Ricky Ricardo does when he is all flustered with Lucy!
I pray every day for one opportunity just ONE. Isn't that crazy? That is all we need is someone to take one small leap of faith in Mr. G and hire him. We know if they take that chance they won't regret it!

Aside from the lack of news I feel the need to share what my amazing sport my mother in law has been while we wait for news.

This is what her dining room looks like! It has been like this since November! My mom's garage is just as bad, because it holds the rest of our wedding gifts AND bridal shower gifts. I have to thank the moms for being such good sports while we wait on our dream! Also a special thanks for Mr. G's mom for letting us shack up her house free of charge!

I know I have been slacking on the posts, I just feel like I am on pins and needles waiting for some news. And honestly I feel there is nothing worth writing about unless it’s the “news” we all have been waiting for. I will work on my creative juices and try to wow you with some witty words!

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