Monday, February 22, 2010

This thing they call running

Ouch! That is all I can say about my training lately! I have been hard at work preparing myself for my half marathon run in May. (If you remember its one of my NYE resolutions ) I will be polite and not gross you out with some photos of my blisters! I know, I know I am sweet! But I have told the hubby that I really need a new pair of running shoes (*hint hint b-day gift Mr. G!)

Any-ho, I am up to 5 miles as of last week (on the treadmill)! I am alternating with hill running and flat land running. I am running about 4-5 days a week. Every time I start my run, I start off motivated and determined, BUT then around mile 3, I start mentally cursing myself. What the heck have I gotten myself into?! Seriously? I am not a runner and I really mean it! When I get to a point of my run where it gets hard, I start to feel really goofy and awkward. When I hit that part of my run, I feel like people are starting to stare? Then I worry about why they are staring?! Oh no! I am convinced I look like this! :

At least I am out running right?! Anything to make myself feel better for looking like a fool!

So, last week I challenged myself and did a small hill run (treadmill) and it went like this:

Mile 1: 6 mph incline 2
Mile 2: 6.1 mph incline 2
Mile 3: 6.2 mph incline 3
Mile 4: 6.3 mph incline 3
Mile 5: 6 mph incline 2

It was a very challenging workout to say the least!

Around mile 4 again, I started to look like Phoebe Buffay again. This time it was because there was this incredible sharp pain in my hamstring. Any normal person would stop their run right? Stretch and just call it a day?! Ya, well I never claimed to be a normal person. I decided I was going to finish my last mile even if it killed me! And guess what? It killed me! I almost fell off the darn treadmill running with my eyes closed trying to muscle my way through that run, with my ipod blaring in a failed attempt to distract myself from the pain in my leg!! My leg. My leg. It was hurting for 3 days after that run and it wasn't that good soreness pain, oh dear no, it hurt bad, so bad it hurt to walk! I have learned my lesson, I promise. Clearly my body is not at the same as it was when I did gymnastics, oh and it’s so depressing to think about! I know its so cliché to add *sighs* to blogs but seriously there is no other expression I can think of than a big FAT *sigh*.

On a less depressing note, surprisingly enough Mr. G has been accompanying me on my outside runs! So far we have run anywhere from 2 to 4 miles! He has been so supportive of my training! It really makes me excited that he runs with me!

Next Sunday, February 29th I will be running an 8k in preparation for my half marathon. I will be running to run. My goal is to finish. The 8k will be held out front of the Brea Mall by the food court area and the run starts at 8am for those who were curious!

Peace and Love,

Mrs. G

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