Tuesday, February 2, 2010

10 goals for 2010

It is February 2nd and I am just now writing down some goals for the New Year. My number one goal should be "stop procrastinating", but better late than never right?! Here are some things I’d like to work on or accomplish, in addition to the procrastination thing:

  • Run a half marathon: This will be my most challenging goal of the year. I really really really really want to run a half marathon, just to say that I did it! I know I am so weird and I have no idea why! It will be a ton of hard work but I really want to do it. Call me crazy, but it is just one of those things I have set in my mind to do. I can run about 3 miles easy so I have a lot of work cut out for me. Now that I wrote it down here for you guys to read maybe I will feel more accountable to follow through! We will see. I will definitely blog about my training.
  • Eat less processed foods: In other words cook my food and not just cooking anything but healthy foods. This cooking problem is about to be resolved for good this year and trust me I will keep you all posted on the foods I try to make and hopefully there will be more successes than failures!!! In the process of trying to cook healthy I am hoping to trim Mr. G and I waist line just a tad! Hopefully my cooking is up to par enough so Mr. G won’t be running off to Jack n the Box at midnight making my efforts counterproductive!
  • Go on a trip /vacation / anniversary: I would love the opportunity to take a trip with Mr. G even if it is small and for the weekend. I have never had so much fun before on a trip than I did on our honeymoon.
  • Host a fancy dinner party: This is a goal I will ultimately save for New Years Eve or during the holidays! If everything goes as planned I want to host a fancy dinner party (aka four course meal) to celebrate our one year anniversary. This way I can showcase my new found cooking skills and WOW everyone. A girl can dream can't she?!
  • Frame my favorite wedding photos: I am the worst at printing out photos and hanging them up. I do not want to be one of those brides who years and years later just start hanging their photos up! So as soon as Mr. G and I have found our nest I want to hang up our photos from our special day. Not too hard of a goal right? I sure hope I don't procrastinate!
  • Be more decisive: I am so bad at making decisions. I know this is a vague goal but I want to make a more of a conscious effort to make up my mind.
  • Get a job I love: This goal would be fairly easy if the economy wasn't, excuse my expression in the "shittier". My goal is to find a job and not just any job but a job I love and enjoy going to. I would love to do any of the following: personal training, event planning, working with kids, work in an athletic department doing whatever, being a personal shopper :)
  • Be more organized: I am already a pretty great with my organizational skills, but I aspire to be like Monica Gellar in that category. To have this obsessive compulsive need to be ridiculously organized is awesome! Bring on the organization people!
  • Go to the New Harry Potter theme park: Don't laugh people! I am 100% serious. I love Harry Potter and I think it would be so much fun to go to Orlando Florida and ride a ride and pretend you are in a Harry Potter movie!! I am super ecstatic about this and already told Mr. G there is no getting out of this one!
  • Take lots of photos of this first year of marriage: I want to document every event in our first year of marriage and make a scrap book of our first year! I know this year will be unforgettable but I love photos and I love the idea of being able to compare our first year of marriage to our 50th year together! Oh maybe I will make it like a year book?! A year book for the class of 2010! Mr. G and I will be the 2010 Homecoming Queen and King and the senior class would be all our friend and family in the photos! I think I am on to something!!! I love this idea! Let me know what you think people!

1 comment:

  1. There is a theme park of harry potter? NO...FREAKIN...WAY. You better not go with out me. I say, if u move to NC, when icome visit, we can take a quick flight to florida and check it out. wahoo!
