Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I am an inspiration

These are not my own words but words of a friend! I swear!! I have inspired a long time friend of mine to start her own blog! Yippie!

A blog about what you may ask?! Oh just cooking fantabulous dishes from scratch! Check her out! She is a awesome person, cook, friend and fellow dachshund lover! And if that is not enough her header photo makes me salivate every time I look at it!

Take a little walk over to And Then I Found A Cookie. I promise she will leave you wanting seconds!

Here is a photo of me and And Then I Found A Cookie! I circled us to help. I am on the left and she is on the right! We were lil itty bittys things back then! P.S. we did gymnastics together in case you were wondering!

Monday, February 22, 2010

This thing they call running

Ouch! That is all I can say about my training lately! I have been hard at work preparing myself for my half marathon run in May. (If you remember its one of my NYE resolutions ) I will be polite and not gross you out with some photos of my blisters! I know, I know I am sweet! But I have told the hubby that I really need a new pair of running shoes (*hint hint b-day gift Mr. G!)

Any-ho, I am up to 5 miles as of last week (on the treadmill)! I am alternating with hill running and flat land running. I am running about 4-5 days a week. Every time I start my run, I start off motivated and determined, BUT then around mile 3, I start mentally cursing myself. What the heck have I gotten myself into?! Seriously? I am not a runner and I really mean it! When I get to a point of my run where it gets hard, I start to feel really goofy and awkward. When I hit that part of my run, I feel like people are starting to stare? Then I worry about why they are staring?! Oh no! I am convinced I look like this! :

At least I am out running right?! Anything to make myself feel better for looking like a fool!

So, last week I challenged myself and did a small hill run (treadmill) and it went like this:

Mile 1: 6 mph incline 2
Mile 2: 6.1 mph incline 2
Mile 3: 6.2 mph incline 3
Mile 4: 6.3 mph incline 3
Mile 5: 6 mph incline 2

It was a very challenging workout to say the least!

Around mile 4 again, I started to look like Phoebe Buffay again. This time it was because there was this incredible sharp pain in my hamstring. Any normal person would stop their run right? Stretch and just call it a day?! Ya, well I never claimed to be a normal person. I decided I was going to finish my last mile even if it killed me! And guess what? It killed me! I almost fell off the darn treadmill running with my eyes closed trying to muscle my way through that run, with my ipod blaring in a failed attempt to distract myself from the pain in my leg!! My leg. My leg. It was hurting for 3 days after that run and it wasn't that good soreness pain, oh dear no, it hurt bad, so bad it hurt to walk! I have learned my lesson, I promise. Clearly my body is not at the same as it was when I did gymnastics, oh and it’s so depressing to think about! I know its so cliché to add *sighs* to blogs but seriously there is no other expression I can think of than a big FAT *sigh*.

On a less depressing note, surprisingly enough Mr. G has been accompanying me on my outside runs! So far we have run anywhere from 2 to 4 miles! He has been so supportive of my training! It really makes me excited that he runs with me!

Next Sunday, February 29th I will be running an 8k in preparation for my half marathon. I will be running to run. My goal is to finish. The 8k will be held out front of the Brea Mall by the food court area and the run starts at 8am for those who were curious!

Peace and Love,

Mrs. G

Saturday, February 13, 2010

A love story...

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

In honor of Valentine's Day I want to share a love story with you.

This story is not a typical love story, but it does contain all the elements of a love story there is hope, heart ache, love, triumph, and happiness. I feel like love is at its best when it comes at you when you least expect it.
This story is not about Mr. G and I. It is not how we met or how much we love each other. This story does hit close to home for the both of us, because it is a possibly for me to be in the woman in this story. This subject is taboo for some but to me I feel like it is far from that.

This is a story of a woman's unconditional love ... and her raw and real story of her love. It is utterly amazing. I cried.

Please click on the link below to read the story, leave a comment on your reactions.

p.s. I wanted to leave a photo for you all. Mr. G and I at dinner Valentine's day dinner #1

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


I know I told you guys that there would be big news last week about Mr. G and his job. I hate to share that I have nothing to tell you. Nothing at all! Nothing more has happened other than being told we need to wait some more!!! Grrrr

Doesn't that just suck?! What I am learning here is that most of the time frames we have been given do not mean anything other than a guaranteed phone call back saying, you need to wait some more. It seem each week one possibility will look like it will follow through and happen and then the next day we hear other news and then this other job seem even more of a possibility. It is irritating but I better get used to it! This will be my life as a coach’s wife, aside from hosting player’s dinners and attending football games to cheer on my “favorite” team. Everything about what I have learned thus far has been a dizzying experience. It seems the theme here is to hurry up and wait and then wait some more! I wish I knew Spanish I would seriously rattle off how I really feel just like Ricky Ricardo does when he is all flustered with Lucy!
I pray every day for one opportunity just ONE. Isn't that crazy? That is all we need is someone to take one small leap of faith in Mr. G and hire him. We know if they take that chance they won't regret it!

Aside from the lack of news I feel the need to share what my amazing sport my mother in law has been while we wait for news.

This is what her dining room looks like! It has been like this since November! My mom's garage is just as bad, because it holds the rest of our wedding gifts AND bridal shower gifts. I have to thank the moms for being such good sports while we wait on our dream! Also a special thanks for Mr. G's mom for letting us shack up her house free of charge!

I know I have been slacking on the posts, I just feel like I am on pins and needles waiting for some news. And honestly I feel there is nothing worth writing about unless it’s the “news” we all have been waiting for. I will work on my creative juices and try to wow you with some witty words!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


There is something that I have learned about myself in this last week that I have been doing this blog, and it is simply that I love lists! I know what you're thinking? Nerd! But seriously each time I have gone to write something amazingly witty and funny, I want to do it in a form of a list! And each time all I can think is "You are so WEIRD!" I will have to thank my father for this one! He officially deserves the "List Master" title. This man carries his To-do list everywhere he goes every single day! So I have decided that every once in a while or very often depending on how I am feeling that I am going to give you (who ever reads this) a random list of things! Today is special because Mr. G has made a cameo and has given us a list of his favorites as well! The topic is our top 1o favorites things starting with the letter H! I know, I know you guys are SO excited to read these! Btw does my sarcasm transfer when it is typed?!

Mrs. G's favorites:

1. Husband: Cause I can't help but love a big star wars t-shirt wearing goob!

2. Holy Bible: I mean this book is awesome; it is about true love story that has all the elements of deception, murder, love, scandal, etc for everyone to love!

3. Hot Coffee: OMG! Coffee is seriously the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning! What I would give to wake up every morning with a freshly brewed cup of coffee on my night stand! *a girl can dream*

4. Harry Potter: I am not going to defend myself or justify it, it is what it is. Laugh all you want I am proud to be a HP fan. I told you I am a little girl stuck in a 26 years old body, it wasn't a joke!

5. Holding Hands: It really is a cute and understated sentiment that I love so much. My favorite thing is to reach for Mr. G's hand in the middle of the night. I know I know! Come on people don't forget that I am a newlywed, don't barf yet!

6. Hawaii: I really love the warm water and weather. I haven't been in so long *sigh*, I wonder if I can convince Mr. G to take me for our first anniversary or something?!

7. Honeymoon: Well we won't go into detail here, but wow! (Pretty sure my sister has stopped reading after reading this part! Sorry Sis!)

8. Holidays: Anything and everything about the holidays is my favorite, from the excessive eating, lack of working out, stressing, gift giving, lights, music and family love. I love it all. Can you feel the love!? Can you!?

9. Hot showers: There is nothing better than a awesome hot shower especially on a cold day or after a awesome workout.

10. Home: I don't have one yet, but when I do it will be my favorite!

Mr. G's favorites:

10. H-LED TV

9. H-looking in the fridge for food

8. Hanging out with the wieners

7. H-Breakfast

6. H-Lunch

5. H-Dinner

4. H-mid Night movies

3. Hall you can eat sushi

2. H-Fantasy Sports ( seriously its second place to me!)

1. H-Jen Greene (*he made a mistake and called me Greene!!! Funny we both are not used to my new name!)

Apparently, Mr. G took some serious consideration and thought into his part before he did his list. He thinks he is so hilarious but it is very typical of Mr. G! Isn't he the sweetest for making me number 1!

On that note, here is something sweet to look at! Here is Forrest being all cute and cuddly while I type this post!


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

10 goals for 2010

It is February 2nd and I am just now writing down some goals for the New Year. My number one goal should be "stop procrastinating", but better late than never right?! Here are some things I’d like to work on or accomplish, in addition to the procrastination thing:

  • Run a half marathon: This will be my most challenging goal of the year. I really really really really want to run a half marathon, just to say that I did it! I know I am so weird and I have no idea why! It will be a ton of hard work but I really want to do it. Call me crazy, but it is just one of those things I have set in my mind to do. I can run about 3 miles easy so I have a lot of work cut out for me. Now that I wrote it down here for you guys to read maybe I will feel more accountable to follow through! We will see. I will definitely blog about my training.
  • Eat less processed foods: In other words cook my food and not just cooking anything but healthy foods. This cooking problem is about to be resolved for good this year and trust me I will keep you all posted on the foods I try to make and hopefully there will be more successes than failures!!! In the process of trying to cook healthy I am hoping to trim Mr. G and I waist line just a tad! Hopefully my cooking is up to par enough so Mr. G won’t be running off to Jack n the Box at midnight making my efforts counterproductive!
  • Go on a trip /vacation / anniversary: I would love the opportunity to take a trip with Mr. G even if it is small and for the weekend. I have never had so much fun before on a trip than I did on our honeymoon.
  • Host a fancy dinner party: This is a goal I will ultimately save for New Years Eve or during the holidays! If everything goes as planned I want to host a fancy dinner party (aka four course meal) to celebrate our one year anniversary. This way I can showcase my new found cooking skills and WOW everyone. A girl can dream can't she?!
  • Frame my favorite wedding photos: I am the worst at printing out photos and hanging them up. I do not want to be one of those brides who years and years later just start hanging their photos up! So as soon as Mr. G and I have found our nest I want to hang up our photos from our special day. Not too hard of a goal right? I sure hope I don't procrastinate!
  • Be more decisive: I am so bad at making decisions. I know this is a vague goal but I want to make a more of a conscious effort to make up my mind.
  • Get a job I love: This goal would be fairly easy if the economy wasn't, excuse my expression in the "shittier". My goal is to find a job and not just any job but a job I love and enjoy going to. I would love to do any of the following: personal training, event planning, working with kids, work in an athletic department doing whatever, being a personal shopper :)
  • Be more organized: I am already a pretty great with my organizational skills, but I aspire to be like Monica Gellar in that category. To have this obsessive compulsive need to be ridiculously organized is awesome! Bring on the organization people!
  • Go to the New Harry Potter theme park: Don't laugh people! I am 100% serious. I love Harry Potter and I think it would be so much fun to go to Orlando Florida and ride a ride and pretend you are in a Harry Potter movie!! I am super ecstatic about this and already told Mr. G there is no getting out of this one!
  • Take lots of photos of this first year of marriage: I want to document every event in our first year of marriage and make a scrap book of our first year! I know this year will be unforgettable but I love photos and I love the idea of being able to compare our first year of marriage to our 50th year together! Oh maybe I will make it like a year book?! A year book for the class of 2010! Mr. G and I will be the 2010 Homecoming Queen and King and the senior class would be all our friend and family in the photos! I think I am on to something!!! I love this idea! Let me know what you think people!