Thursday, August 11, 2011

Thank goodness for

For cell phones with cameras!

If there was no such thing you wouldn't be graced with these photos below!

 I lost my camera charger and of course I lost it during the summer! Aye!

But firstly, I wanted to share a huge mommy milestone for me! I left Miss P in child care this morning for 1 hour!! I know its not a big deal to a lot of mommies out there but for me it was huge, because she has never been watched by anyone other than by Mr. G, my mom and mother in law.  Anyways, She was happy, she didn't cry, and the lady said she was a lot of fun! I gave myself a good pat on my back :)



Here is what you all have been waiting for sorry for the poor quality!

I saw this at Tj Maxx I had to take a photo! Don't worry I didn't buy it!

Found this cute little black beanie at Babies r Us! I had to buy it!!! It makes her blue eyes pop!
What I wore yesterday! (Todays photo looks terrible so you will just have to trust I looked cute!)

Bed head!

Bath time fun!

Cranky baby... ahhhh

Helping mama shop!

Heres to finding my camera charger!!

Hope everyone is having a great Thursday and if someone could have a starbucks for me I would appreicate it. Thanks. :)


  1. I love all the photos! Thanks for posting them. I am loving this new 30 day challenge of yours, it makes you feel not so far away to see the blog everyday. :)

  2. Great pics! Looks like you had a busy day.
