I Miss P has pretty much never taken a pacifier or sucked her fingers. She had a few moments when she was first born she would take it but not now!
Well, lately she seems super needy in the sucking department and just wants to nurse but doesn't drink. If that make sense. It seems more like a comfort thing. Every night I stick a Paci and a blanket in her crib in hopes that one day she will use one of those things to soothe herself back to sleep. Ya, no such luck! But she took the Paci today!! I hope it sticks! It would be really helpful in soothing herself and stop using me!!!
Lets all take a moment and pray that she continues to show interest in it!
Amen! :)
Hope everyone is having a fantastic Saturday!
Here is to self soothing and good sleep!
Haha I like this one! So cute:D