Tuesday, August 9, 2011

30 Day Challenge!!! (Day 1)

Oh well hello there!

Miss me much!?

I am back from a fun and fast trip to California! I am about 86.27% sure I am done with my traveling for the summer!

I am only 86.27% sure because my father loves to come up with little trips  here and there, and he is totally last minute and unpredictable with this. Which I love! :)

So, onto the title of this post! I am trying to be a better blogger. So I have challenged myself to a 30 day blog challenge. For the next 30 days I have to post and blog about something...  anything!  

This will be very hard for me but I know I can do it with some good planning and taking advantage of nap time  (hahah ya right)

Anywho, this is start of day 1!

If you have any suggestions of what I should blog about, let me know! If anyone is out there reading this other than Ronnie (* edit: Stephanie too!) ... let me know that too!

Helloooooooooo anybody out there????

 Ya, I think is just you guys!

 Lol my poor sad blog hahaha.

Here is to happy, consistent and enjoyable, fun to read blogging!

Wish me luck!

*disclaimer: if you are annoyed by run on sentences, bad grammer, miss spelling please forgive me. I am terrible at all of the above :)

1 comment:

  1. LoL. With a baby, you will hav tons to blog about! Oh and I'm following now too.
