Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Weekly Update: 27 Weeks!

WEEK: 27




THIS WEEK THE BABY IS: This week, baby girl you weight almost 2 pounds!!!! And about 14 1/2 inches long with your legs extended! You are now sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing your beautiful eyes, and perhaps even sucking on your itty bitty fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your brain is now very active now. While your little lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if you were to be born now. But lets keep cooking, little one OK?! I am to chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements I may be feeling as a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother your little one, so I will just relax and enjoy the tickle.


SYMPTOMS: Pubic Bone pain... I went to the doctors yesterday and suggested a girdle for me to wear when I get a little bigger. He explained that because my belly is smaller that the weight is more concentrated on my pubic bone which is why I feel such sharp pains. Isn't that just awesome?! I asked him when I get bigger if the pain would lessen. His answer "Nope" He said it will get worse, basically until I deliver! Sweet!

CURRENT MOOD: Excited! I am going to visit California and that will make the time go by so fast!

CURRENT CRAVING: Chocolate milk and grilled cheese sandwiches! I can clearly determine my craves for sure! Remember when Popsicle were the rave, the idea of having one now is boring! Ha so funny how that works!

CURRENT WORRY: How is Mr. G going to adjust?! The lack of sleep, less fantasy football time. Should be interesting!

BELLY PHOTO HERE: Gotta love the belly button!!!

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