Thursday, October 7, 2010

Clevland County Fair

The fair was FUN!!! Mostly for my taste buds not so much my feet and back! But all in all I had a blast!!!

First, let me explain why we went. For the food! Mr. G is a lameo and does not ride rides like me. Which next year! It is on! There was some cool ones that I wanted to ride soooo bad!

Also, I am a bone head / preggers brain and forgot my memory card in my camera!!! I was pissed! So all the photos you are about to see are from my trusty blackberry. Sorry, not top quality photos! boo!

Ok so first food adventure was the basic grilled corn. No photo because come on people we all know what corn on the cob looks like!

Next was on to the Deep Fried Oreos! And let me tell you they were delish! OMG! The oreos inside were warm and gooey...oh man....

The deep fried Twinkies were a surprise yummy! I didn't I would like it but I loved it! Don't worry Mr. G and I shared them so we didn't clog up are artistes too much!

Mr. G HAD to have a turkey leg! It was big and a little intimidating to me! But he threw hot sauce all over it and went to town!

Can you tell he loved it?!

They also had a thing that was called Elephant Ears. They looked like funnel cake that was a pancake form. They smother it with cinnamon and sugar and whatever else you wanted on it. Next time I am gonna try it! But I was too full at this point to eat anything else and it was BIG!

There were sooo many vendors!

Ps, I want these pants. Apparently they are a hot item to wear to the fair, because a lot of girls were wearing them! Well that or cameo jackets and hats. Only in the country. hahhaah

It was fun, next year I will have more and better photos!

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