So I decided to list my changes!
1. Sleep: Now I am a lucky gal who has a "sleeper" last night for example night Miss P slept 8 1/2 hours straight at 7 weeks! But that doesn't mean I slept that long too. No matter how well she sleeps I am up at every noise, every grunt, every fake sleepy cry she makes and when she is silent, I am up to make sure she is breathing. Sure I miss my sleep, but I will gladly continue to miss it just to see her smiling face when she wakes up in the morning! And boy does she love to smile! Now if I can learn to nap when she naps.
2. Chores: Ha what are those? My home was for the most part pretty clean and kept up... except for the end of my pregnancy when the idea of doing dishes sounded like the most exhausting extertion of energy imaginable! Now, its a miracle I have clean undies. Some how though Mr G and Miss P always have clean clothes. Me? Not so much. And folding clothes hahah ya right. The nursery has officially turned into a clothes room. Literally the bed is filled with clothes that are not folded. For Mr. G I hang up his work clothes but besides that everything else is a wrinkled heap on the bed. Lemme show you:

3. It is about the baby not you anymore: Very true! People ask about the baby now and not really me anymore. (Well I do have to say my sister is fantastic about asking how I am doing mentally and emotionally with the new baby and I love her for that! ) But, I am OK with that. Birthday presents for me turned into another excuse to buy a baby gift :) But I love it!
4. Fears: I have never really been a fearful person per se, but now everything scares me. Big trucks, airplanes, driving, germs and the list goes on. I am scared that something may take me, Miss P, or Mr. G away from our precious family. ( as sad as it is writing this fear down makes my fear even more real! I am a nut!) I know that everything is in Gods hands and he has a plan for us and that no matter how much fear I have, it will not change the path and plan he has already set in motion for us, But I still cannot help to be scared. I am hoping that with time I will stop over analyzing every situation I am in and just live in the moment again. But I doubt it.
5. Songs: Songs make me emotional. I don't really need to explain in detail but they mean more and I understand the emotion coming from some songs. Gasp! example this song by Darrius Rucker, it hits home.
6. My body: I realize now it will never be the same. It has created an amazing life and it put my body through the ringer. I now have physical reminders that I will like to call battle scars. Even if I am able to regain my pre baby bod, my body still will never be the same. And I always thought I was too vain to be ok with it, but really I am ok with it. I think it helps that Mr. G thinks I am more beautiful now than I was when he married me. I won't lie I am a lucky gal.
7. My heart: You might be wondering how my heart has changed, well let me tell you! A large chunk of it is officially living and breathing outside my body! I never knew love could be so intense it hurts and boy does it.
8. Language: I offically speak baby talk. I have a special language now that only makes Miss. P smile! When Mr. G comes home from work or I get phone calls, I literally have to stop myself from talking in a high pitch voice that captures my little ones attention and talk in my normal voice!
Well I honestly could go on and on but really who wants to hear a new mothers ramblings and cheeseballness, and yes I just made that word up!
Well that was perfect timing Miss P is now waking up from her morning nap!

Beautiful :) Thank you for sharing this with us all