Today is an update of the videos I have taken this week!!!
She is growing and developing so fast! It is amazing!
She is figuring out peek-a-boo
Chatting up a storm!
And ROLLING OVER!!! Tummy time is a lot harder now! lol
Happy Thursday people!
Rain and flower buds,
Love Miss P and Me!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
My day...
Today before I go make dinner I decided to do a photo diary of Miss P and I's day together.
Because we are both feeling under the weather (me with a respirtory infection and Miss P getting her shots) we did a pajama and laundry day! Oh fun!
Well off to make dinner and finish the laundry! I cannot wait till its all done! Almost there!
Because we are both feeling under the weather (me with a respirtory infection and Miss P getting her shots) we did a pajama and laundry day! Oh fun!
Miss P helping me fold the 6 loads of laundry I did! |
she is telling about I should really stay on top of the laundry |
Play time! |
How cute is she!? |
And she is OUT! |
Well off to make dinner and finish the laundry! I cannot wait till its all done! Almost there!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
A Lullaby ...
I love singing silly songs to Miss P.
My favorite song of all...
"You are My Sunshine"
When she is unhappy I sing it to her and more times than not she relaxes and listens.
Now, I know its not cause of my amazing vocal skills but probably cause it is her mommy's voice but still I feel special!
Well the other day I was singing it to her and I realized I didn't know the whole song.
So I looked up the lyrics and was surprised at how sad and random the song i.
Take a look:
You Are My Sunshine
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away
The other nite, dear,
As I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms.
When I awoke, dear,
I was mistaken
And I hung my head and cried.
You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
I'll always love you
And make you happy
If you will only say the same
But if you leave me
To love another
You'll regret it all some day;
You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
You told me once, dear
You really loved me
And no one else could come between
But now you've left me
And love another
You have shattered all my dreams;
You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
Louisiana my Louisiana
the place where I was borne.
White fields of cotton
-- green fields clover,
the best fishing
and long tall corn;
You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
Crawfish gumbo and jambalaya
the biggest shrimp and sugar cane,
the finest oysters
and sweet strawberries
from Toledo Bend to New Orleans;
You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
After reading that song I decided to research the orgin of the song... and this is what I came up with.
From Wiki: " "You Are My Sunshine" is a popular song first recorded in 1939. It has been declared one of the state songs of Louisiana as a result of its association with former state governor and country music singer Jimmie Davis."
Not as exciting as I hoped. So for now I will stick to the first verse of the song and be done with it.
Dear Miss. P,
You are my sunshine :)
The End.
My favorite song of all...
"You are My Sunshine"
When she is unhappy I sing it to her and more times than not she relaxes and listens.
Now, I know its not cause of my amazing vocal skills but probably cause it is her mommy's voice but still I feel special!
Well the other day I was singing it to her and I realized I didn't know the whole song.
So I looked up the lyrics and was surprised at how sad and random the song i.
Take a look:
You Are My Sunshine
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away
The other nite, dear,
As I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms.
When I awoke, dear,
I was mistaken
And I hung my head and cried.
You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
I'll always love you
And make you happy
If you will only say the same
But if you leave me
To love another
You'll regret it all some day;
You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
You told me once, dear
You really loved me
And no one else could come between
But now you've left me
And love another
You have shattered all my dreams;
You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
Louisiana my Louisiana
the place where I was borne.
White fields of cotton
-- green fields clover,
the best fishing
and long tall corn;
You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
Crawfish gumbo and jambalaya
the biggest shrimp and sugar cane,
the finest oysters
and sweet strawberries
from Toledo Bend to New Orleans;
You are my sunshine,
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away.
After reading that song I decided to research the orgin of the song... and this is what I came up with.
From Wiki: " "You Are My Sunshine" is a popular song first recorded in 1939. It has been declared one of the state songs of Louisiana as a result of its association with former state governor and country music singer Jimmie Davis."
Not as exciting as I hoped. So for now I will stick to the first verse of the song and be done with it.
Dear Miss. P,
You are my sunshine :)
The End.
Friday, March 25, 2011
A illness has hit our little family.
First, it was Miss P.
Now, it is me.
Mr. G is complaining of a sore throat which is how my sickness started.
Last night all I wanted was to go to bed early.
Usually Miss P is down for the night around 8:30-9pm. Not too bad right?
Well, last night my little angel decided to wake up at 10pm wide awake, full of smiles and giggles.
The sad thing was she was completely content on laying in her bed laughing all by herself, but I felt bad missing all her fun. So, I got up and played with her because I didn't want to miss a single smile or coo.
Oh man. I got it bad.
So she didn't go to sleep till about 12:30. But by then I had gotten a second wind.
I didn't fall asleep till 1:30. So to say the least I am sick AND exhausted.
I still love being a mommy.
I love MY daughter.
It feels so weird but yet so right to say MY daughter.
I am a mommy.
OK, I am delirious. Miss P is napping so I am going to try to do the same.
With Sickness and smiles,
Have a great day! :)
First, it was Miss P.
Now, it is me.
Mr. G is complaining of a sore throat which is how my sickness started.
Last night all I wanted was to go to bed early.
Usually Miss P is down for the night around 8:30-9pm. Not too bad right?
Well, last night my little angel decided to wake up at 10pm wide awake, full of smiles and giggles.
The sad thing was she was completely content on laying in her bed laughing all by herself, but I felt bad missing all her fun. So, I got up and played with her because I didn't want to miss a single smile or coo.
Oh man. I got it bad.
So she didn't go to sleep till about 12:30. But by then I had gotten a second wind.
I didn't fall asleep till 1:30. So to say the least I am sick AND exhausted.
I still love being a mommy.
I love MY daughter.
It feels so weird but yet so right to say MY daughter.
I am a mommy.
OK, I am delirious. Miss P is napping so I am going to try to do the same.
With Sickness and smiles,
Have a great day! :)
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Lets Compare!
Happy Thursday!!!
Today, I thought it would be fun if I compared baby photos of Mr. G, Miss P and myself to each other!
It seems that verdict is split on who Miss P looks like... she has my lips, his eyes, so on and so on.
So I put some photos together to see!!!
Fun right?! (If you don't think so, keep it to yourself ha!)
Here is a bunch of random photos of the 3 of us in no particular order...
(Mr. G)
(Guess who this is?! Find out at the end of this post)
(Miss P.)
And now the side by side comparison!!!
Mr. G Miss P. Me
Clearly she did not get my skin color! I will clear the air on that one now!
And the mystery baby in the photo above is....
My little brother!!!!
Does anyone see Miss P in that photo or is it just me???
So what is the verdict?
Comment below and state your opinion!!!
PS. I think when she turns 1 years old I am going to do it again with Mr. G and I's 1 year old photos!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Our first plane flight with a baby!
Alright we did it!
We (as in the three of us) made it across country and back safe and sound without a hitch!
And I survived!
I say "I" because really Mr. G slept the whole time on all the flights. (pish he was just the luggage lugger)
It was I who held Miss. P and missed out on my sleep on the plane!
Guess what Mr. G did? Yup. Your right. He slept!
She did amazingly though! I am so proud of her! Even people on the plane commented on how "the baby didn't even cry".
That made me even prouder! (yup prouder... shut you grammar peeps)
Our trip to So Cal was a success to say the least!
Miss. P was able to finally meet her Grandpa R and her Uncle B .... also hang out with her Auntie T!!!
She also got to meet all her cousins from Mr. G's side of the family that she hasn't met before!!! (We lovingly call them Aunties as well!)
It was so great for everyone to finally meet our baby girl! The trip wasn't long enough to stop and meet all my friends but hopefully we will be able to meet up with some of them on the next visit! Which is in May...which is an even shorter visit for my sisters graduation from PA school.... which I am so proud of !!! Oh and also a wedding of a dear long time friend of mine that I am excited to go to!
Since most people we visited read this blog I will skip the details and start on my next post!
For all of those of you who came and drove far to visit me in my short stay in California...thanks so much and I love you!!!
Till next time...
Peace Out Homies!
We (as in the three of us) made it across country and back safe and sound without a hitch!
And I survived!
I say "I" because really Mr. G slept the whole time on all the flights. (pish he was just the luggage lugger)
It was I who held Miss. P and missed out on my sleep on the plane!
Guess what Mr. G did? Yup. Your right. He slept!
She did amazingly though! I am so proud of her! Even people on the plane commented on how "the baby didn't even cry".
That made me even prouder! (yup prouder... shut you grammar peeps)
Our trip to So Cal was a success to say the least!
Miss. P was able to finally meet her Grandpa R and her Uncle B .... also hang out with her Auntie T!!!
She also got to meet all her cousins from Mr. G's side of the family that she hasn't met before!!! (We lovingly call them Aunties as well!)
It was so great for everyone to finally meet our baby girl! The trip wasn't long enough to stop and meet all my friends but hopefully we will be able to meet up with some of them on the next visit! Which is in May...which is an even shorter visit for my sisters graduation from PA school.... which I am so proud of !!! Oh and also a wedding of a dear long time friend of mine that I am excited to go to!
Since most people we visited read this blog I will skip the details and start on my next post!
For all of those of you who came and drove far to visit me in my short stay in California...thanks so much and I love you!!!
Till next time...
Peace Out Homies!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
I don't mean to brag...well I do honestly. But my little brother is pretty cool.
Yup, that is my little brother.
Don't mind the whole foot in height difference.
He plays basketball.
I did gymnastics.
Perfect for our sports.
And btw he is a total looker.
The End.
Yup, that is my little brother.
Don't mind the whole foot in height difference.
He plays basketball.
I did gymnastics.
Perfect for our sports.
And btw he is a total looker.
The End.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Babies Change things...
When I was pregnant people would always say "babies change things" ... " It will no longer be about you but the baby"... "you will miss your sleep", I always took those things with a negative connotation and never understood why people were so negative about having a child. But now having this child everything everyone told me is true, but in the most amazing way ever and I would never ever change it for the world. Yes, babies do change things but it is all for the better!
So I decided to list my changes!
1. Sleep: Now I am a lucky gal who has a "sleeper" last night for example night Miss P slept 8 1/2 hours straight at 7 weeks! But that doesn't mean I slept that long too. No matter how well she sleeps I am up at every noise, every grunt, every fake sleepy cry she makes and when she is silent, I am up to make sure she is breathing. Sure I miss my sleep, but I will gladly continue to miss it just to see her smiling face when she wakes up in the morning! And boy does she love to smile! Now if I can learn to nap when she naps.
2. Chores: Ha what are those? My home was for the most part pretty clean and kept up... except for the end of my pregnancy when the idea of doing dishes sounded like the most exhausting extertion of energy imaginable! Now, its a miracle I have clean undies. Some how though Mr G and Miss P always have clean clothes. Me? Not so much. And folding clothes hahah ya right. The nursery has officially turned into a clothes room. Literally the bed is filled with clothes that are not folded. For Mr. G I hang up his work clothes but besides that everything else is a wrinkled heap on the bed. Lemme show you:
Should I be embarrassed? Yes. Am I? No. Soon enough I will figure out how to balance it all and will be more efficent with my time. Till then I am all baby!
3. It is about the baby not you anymore: Very true! People ask about the baby now and not really me anymore. (Well I do have to say my sister is fantastic about asking how I am doing mentally and emotionally with the new baby and I love her for that! ) But, I am OK with that. Birthday presents for me turned into another excuse to buy a baby gift :) But I love it!

4. Fears: I have never really been a fearful person per se, but now everything scares me. Big trucks, airplanes, driving, germs and the list goes on. I am scared that something may take me, Miss P, or Mr. G away from our precious family. ( as sad as it is writing this fear down makes my fear even more real! I am a nut!) I know that everything is in Gods hands and he has a plan for us and that no matter how much fear I have, it will not change the path and plan he has already set in motion for us, But I still cannot help to be scared. I am hoping that with time I will stop over analyzing every situation I am in and just live in the moment again. But I doubt it.
5. Songs: Songs make me emotional. I don't really need to explain in detail but they mean more and I understand the emotion coming from some songs. Gasp! example this song by Darrius Rucker, it hits home.
6. My body: I realize now it will never be the same. It has created an amazing life and it put my body through the ringer. I now have physical reminders that I will like to call battle scars. Even if I am able to regain my pre baby bod, my body still will never be the same. And I always thought I was too vain to be ok with it, but really I am ok with it. I think it helps that Mr. G thinks I am more beautiful now than I was when he married me. I won't lie I am a lucky gal.
7. My heart: You might be wondering how my heart has changed, well let me tell you! A large chunk of it is officially living and breathing outside my body! I never knew love could be so intense it hurts and boy does it.
8. Language: I offically speak baby talk. I have a special language now that only makes Miss. P smile! When Mr. G comes home from work or I get phone calls, I literally have to stop myself from talking in a high pitch voice that captures my little ones attention and talk in my normal voice!
Well I honestly could go on and on but really who wants to hear a new mothers ramblings and cheeseballness, and yes I just made that word up!
Well that was perfect timing Miss P is now waking up from her morning nap!

So I decided to list my changes!
1. Sleep: Now I am a lucky gal who has a "sleeper" last night for example night Miss P slept 8 1/2 hours straight at 7 weeks! But that doesn't mean I slept that long too. No matter how well she sleeps I am up at every noise, every grunt, every fake sleepy cry she makes and when she is silent, I am up to make sure she is breathing. Sure I miss my sleep, but I will gladly continue to miss it just to see her smiling face when she wakes up in the morning! And boy does she love to smile! Now if I can learn to nap when she naps.
2. Chores: Ha what are those? My home was for the most part pretty clean and kept up... except for the end of my pregnancy when the idea of doing dishes sounded like the most exhausting extertion of energy imaginable! Now, its a miracle I have clean undies. Some how though Mr G and Miss P always have clean clothes. Me? Not so much. And folding clothes hahah ya right. The nursery has officially turned into a clothes room. Literally the bed is filled with clothes that are not folded. For Mr. G I hang up his work clothes but besides that everything else is a wrinkled heap on the bed. Lemme show you:

3. It is about the baby not you anymore: Very true! People ask about the baby now and not really me anymore. (Well I do have to say my sister is fantastic about asking how I am doing mentally and emotionally with the new baby and I love her for that! ) But, I am OK with that. Birthday presents for me turned into another excuse to buy a baby gift :) But I love it!
4. Fears: I have never really been a fearful person per se, but now everything scares me. Big trucks, airplanes, driving, germs and the list goes on. I am scared that something may take me, Miss P, or Mr. G away from our precious family. ( as sad as it is writing this fear down makes my fear even more real! I am a nut!) I know that everything is in Gods hands and he has a plan for us and that no matter how much fear I have, it will not change the path and plan he has already set in motion for us, But I still cannot help to be scared. I am hoping that with time I will stop over analyzing every situation I am in and just live in the moment again. But I doubt it.
5. Songs: Songs make me emotional. I don't really need to explain in detail but they mean more and I understand the emotion coming from some songs. Gasp! example this song by Darrius Rucker, it hits home.
6. My body: I realize now it will never be the same. It has created an amazing life and it put my body through the ringer. I now have physical reminders that I will like to call battle scars. Even if I am able to regain my pre baby bod, my body still will never be the same. And I always thought I was too vain to be ok with it, but really I am ok with it. I think it helps that Mr. G thinks I am more beautiful now than I was when he married me. I won't lie I am a lucky gal.
7. My heart: You might be wondering how my heart has changed, well let me tell you! A large chunk of it is officially living and breathing outside my body! I never knew love could be so intense it hurts and boy does it.
8. Language: I offically speak baby talk. I have a special language now that only makes Miss. P smile! When Mr. G comes home from work or I get phone calls, I literally have to stop myself from talking in a high pitch voice that captures my little ones attention and talk in my normal voice!
Well I honestly could go on and on but really who wants to hear a new mothers ramblings and cheeseballness, and yes I just made that word up!
Well that was perfect timing Miss P is now waking up from her morning nap!

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