I feel so blessed to have such a beautiful daughter and an amazing husband! I love, love, love my little family!!!
My heart is bursting with love. And now I am starting to understand what it is to be a mother! I spend so much of my day holding her and just watching her sleep. Just ask Mr. G... cause the laundry is all unfolded on the bed waiting for me to fold it and put it away but I am afraid to set her down and that I may miss a precious moment of this stage that I will never have again with my first born child. But slowly and surely I am getting back into the swing of things! I also started to cook again! Yay! Mr. G is very happy about that!
1 Month update: Today she had a 1 month wellness check and here are her stats!
Weight: 8 lbs 11 oz (25th percentile )
Length: 20 1/5 inches long ( 25th percentile)
Development: She is a tiny little girl but good and healthy!!! Miss P is sleeping anywhere from 4-7 hours a night. She smiles a lot and is starting to coo. She knows who her momma is and if someone else is holding her and I start talking she lifts her head in response (love). She laughs, smiles, frowns, cries, all in her sleep its amazing! I wonder what her dreams are about?! She holds her head up all on her own now and she she enjoys tummy time! Such a big girl!!!
To celebrate her birthday Mr. G and I gave her her first bath!!! At first she was unsure about the bath and then seemed to love it so much she almost feel asleep!!!
Chillin she is cool like her daddy!
All wrapped up in daddy's arms! Safest place to be in my opinion :)
Here is my lil girl:
That is the cutest video!