I have never seen anything so sweet in my life...
Friday, February 25, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Miss P's first plane flight!
Miss P and I are super excited to announce we are headed to California in a month!!!
Whoo Hoo!
She gets to meet the other G family FINALLY and spend more time with my sister (Auntie T!)
It is long over due!
I am already starting to make lists and buy what I need to buy. And make sure Mr. G is all taken care of here, since he spends all his time at the office.
Can you tell I am excited?!
3 weeks 3 days!?
California people are you ready for some heart aching cuteness to come your way?
Here is a preview of whats coming your way Cali, better prepare yourself!!!
Whoo Hoo!
She gets to meet the other G family FINALLY and spend more time with my sister (Auntie T!)
It is long over due!
I am already starting to make lists and buy what I need to buy. And make sure Mr. G is all taken care of here, since he spends all his time at the office.
Can you tell I am excited?!
3 weeks 3 days!?
California people are you ready for some heart aching cuteness to come your way?
Here is a preview of whats coming your way Cali, better prepare yourself!!!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Happy Valentines Day Love Bugs!
Here is Miss P she dressed up in a little vday outfit! It says Daddy's little Valentine. Mr. G is her first and will be her only Valentines
I hope every one's day is filled with oozy gooey over the top sappy grossness we all only can take one day a year!!
This year Mr. G has two valentines bless his heart!
Here is a song about love... if you are a parent and don't cry, your heartless. I'm just saying!
Happy Valentines Day love bugs!
Here is a song about love... if you are a parent and don't cry, your heartless. I'm just saying!
Happy Valentines Day love bugs!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Birth Story Part 2....
Ok, so before a few of you come to my house, steal my baby and beat me up for not posting this asap... It is finally here! Here we go!
Part 2 of the birth story...
Day 3: So that morning at 6am I found out that the doctor I wanted to deliver Miss P decided to go home. He was sure I wasn't going to deliver in the next few hours and didn't think their was a need to hang around after his shift. Well ... he was right but it still sucked! Anyways the doctor that did take care of me that day randomly happened to be the same doctor I saw at my 38 and 39 week check-ups. This was the doctor I saw when my original doctor was all booked up (snow storms ruin everything!).

So the doctor came in and told me that Miss P was going to be born one way or another TODAY! This is because my water had broken about 18 hours or so ago. They typically do not allow a woman in labor to go more than 24 hours with a broken water due to infection and other complications. Therefore, they checked how dilated I was and I was only about a 3cm! Boo! So they increased my dosage of Pitocin, OUCH! After a few more hours, my epidural was starting to wear off and I was HURTING. I have never ever in my life felt a pain as I did that day! They say a woman forgets...I tell you people I will NEVER in my life forget that pain!
Anyways, around 8am, I was about 9 centimeters dilated! whooo hoo! But my cervix still needed to thin out some more! I was still in a lot of pain so I told the doctors that when it was time to start pushing I needed more pain medication. The person giving me the pain meds said she would give it to me now so that I can relax before I start pushing. I told her I rather be in pain now so that I can concentrate on pushing and not the pain. The dumb lady gave it to me anyways (I was pissed)! I was still happy to have some relief from the pain for a bit though.
So after an hour or so I was thinned out enough to start pushing! My heart was racing and I was so excited it made me nervous! After 3 pushes I realized the epidural had wore off!! Oh my gosh! I was SO mad, I fussed at the nurse who was instructing me to push, but at this point there was nothing they could do.
So this was the point when things get scary and intense (so I was told a few weeks later by Mr. G)...
I have been instructed at this point that I am to push at every contraction for 10 second 4 times each contraction. So at first I was doing good. Odn the good pushes they could see her head but she always went back up in the birth canal. I did this for 2 full hours! Mr. G was so amazing and was such a good coach! He fed me ice chips in between pushes and reminded me that I need to relax no matter how much pain I was in, because when I didn't the babies heart rate would go sky high!
Anyways, so after about an hour and a half I started to get light headed and I was having a hard time concentrating on what was going on. A few times I went cross eyed and everything would fade into black, I think it was from pushing so hard and for so long. The only thing I can remember at this point was nurses started to come in and out of the room and Bobby grabbing my hand telling me it was going to be OK.
Then the doctor and a few nurses came into the room and the put oxygen on me and the doctor told me to stop pushing. I was so relieved to be given a break that I didn't notice 3 more nursing coming into the room and the doctor looking at the monitor papers and whispering something to the nurse. Then he proceed to explain to me ... (well more so to Mr. G) that Miss P's heart rate was dangerously high (250 bpm) and my blood pressure was dangerously low (70/ 50), and that before things got worse I could no longer try pushing and had to have a c-section right away. Oh my heart sank! I worked so hard pushing that I thought for sure my baby was on her way soon.
After the doctor explained things to me and I signed some papers I realized that the c-section at this point was the best thing for me and the baby, but I couldn't help be scared out of my mind!!! I had no clue things were so bad that I had to stop pushing.
From here on out I don't really remember too much but being carted into surgery (according to Bobby not as fast as he would have liked but quickly) My mom came by and told me everything would be alright and she will be praying for me.

As soon as I was all prepped and ready to go Mr. G was allowed in the surgery room. I was really nervous because they had given me medicine for the surgery but I could still feel my contractions and was still in pain. I told them not to start because I didn't think my medicine was working so they gave me 2 more doses. I think I they barely gave me enough because I could feel everything! It was painful and it hurt! So much pressure, pulling, tugging, tools being set on my chest! It was intense!
I have no idea how much time it takes but the doctor told me that she was almost here and for Mr. G to get ready to take photos!!!
When she came out and I heard that first cry... I started bawling!!! I was so happy that she was OK and that it was all over with!
They brought her over to me and I got to kiss her. But because of everything I went through that day, I could not get my eyes to focus on her. I cried even more because my first opportunity to see her and meet my baby girl was ruined because the amount of drugs that were in my system had me in a bit of a shock.

That day was the best day of my life. And I would do it all over again, every contraction, every tear and all these weeks of pain just to have this miracle in my life.

Part 2 of the birth story...
Day 3: So that morning at 6am I found out that the doctor I wanted to deliver Miss P decided to go home. He was sure I wasn't going to deliver in the next few hours and didn't think their was a need to hang around after his shift. Well ... he was right but it still sucked! Anyways the doctor that did take care of me that day randomly happened to be the same doctor I saw at my 38 and 39 week check-ups. This was the doctor I saw when my original doctor was all booked up (snow storms ruin everything!).
So the doctor came in and told me that Miss P was going to be born one way or another TODAY! This is because my water had broken about 18 hours or so ago. They typically do not allow a woman in labor to go more than 24 hours with a broken water due to infection and other complications. Therefore, they checked how dilated I was and I was only about a 3cm! Boo! So they increased my dosage of Pitocin, OUCH! After a few more hours, my epidural was starting to wear off and I was HURTING. I have never ever in my life felt a pain as I did that day! They say a woman forgets...I tell you people I will NEVER in my life forget that pain!
Anyways, around 8am, I was about 9 centimeters dilated! whooo hoo! But my cervix still needed to thin out some more! I was still in a lot of pain so I told the doctors that when it was time to start pushing I needed more pain medication. The person giving me the pain meds said she would give it to me now so that I can relax before I start pushing. I told her I rather be in pain now so that I can concentrate on pushing and not the pain. The dumb lady gave it to me anyways (I was pissed)! I was still happy to have some relief from the pain for a bit though.
So after an hour or so I was thinned out enough to start pushing! My heart was racing and I was so excited it made me nervous! After 3 pushes I realized the epidural had wore off!! Oh my gosh! I was SO mad, I fussed at the nurse who was instructing me to push, but at this point there was nothing they could do.
So this was the point when things get scary and intense (so I was told a few weeks later by Mr. G)...
I have been instructed at this point that I am to push at every contraction for 10 second 4 times each contraction. So at first I was doing good. Odn the good pushes they could see her head but she always went back up in the birth canal. I did this for 2 full hours! Mr. G was so amazing and was such a good coach! He fed me ice chips in between pushes and reminded me that I need to relax no matter how much pain I was in, because when I didn't the babies heart rate would go sky high!
Anyways, so after about an hour and a half I started to get light headed and I was having a hard time concentrating on what was going on. A few times I went cross eyed and everything would fade into black, I think it was from pushing so hard and for so long. The only thing I can remember at this point was nurses started to come in and out of the room and Bobby grabbing my hand telling me it was going to be OK.
Then the doctor and a few nurses came into the room and the put oxygen on me and the doctor told me to stop pushing. I was so relieved to be given a break that I didn't notice 3 more nursing coming into the room and the doctor looking at the monitor papers and whispering something to the nurse. Then he proceed to explain to me ... (well more so to Mr. G) that Miss P's heart rate was dangerously high (250 bpm) and my blood pressure was dangerously low (70/ 50), and that before things got worse I could no longer try pushing and had to have a c-section right away. Oh my heart sank! I worked so hard pushing that I thought for sure my baby was on her way soon.
After the doctor explained things to me and I signed some papers I realized that the c-section at this point was the best thing for me and the baby, but I couldn't help be scared out of my mind!!! I had no clue things were so bad that I had to stop pushing.
From here on out I don't really remember too much but being carted into surgery (according to Bobby not as fast as he would have liked but quickly) My mom came by and told me everything would be alright and she will be praying for me.
As soon as I was all prepped and ready to go Mr. G was allowed in the surgery room. I was really nervous because they had given me medicine for the surgery but I could still feel my contractions and was still in pain. I told them not to start because I didn't think my medicine was working so they gave me 2 more doses. I think I they barely gave me enough because I could feel everything! It was painful and it hurt! So much pressure, pulling, tugging, tools being set on my chest! It was intense!
I have no idea how much time it takes but the doctor told me that she was almost here and for Mr. G to get ready to take photos!!!
When she came out and I heard that first cry... I started bawling!!! I was so happy that she was OK and that it was all over with!
That day was the best day of my life. And I would do it all over again, every contraction, every tear and all these weeks of pain just to have this miracle in my life.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Happy 1 Month Miss P!
I can not believe it! My little girl is already a month old! Holy crap! That went by way too fast for me! I feel like we just got home from the hospital!!
I feel so blessed to have such a beautiful daughter and an amazing husband! I love, love, love my little family!!!
My heart is bursting with love. And now I am starting to understand what it is to be a mother! I spend so much of my day holding her and just watching her sleep. Just ask Mr. G... cause the laundry is all unfolded on the bed waiting for me to fold it and put it away but I am afraid to set her down and that I may miss a precious moment of this stage that I will never have again with my first born child. But slowly and surely I am getting back into the swing of things! I also started to cook again! Yay! Mr. G is very happy about that!
1 Month update: Today she had a 1 month wellness check and here are her stats!
Weight: 8 lbs 11 oz (25th percentile )
Length: 20 1/5 inches long ( 25th percentile)
Development: She is a tiny little girl but good and healthy!!! Miss P is sleeping anywhere from 4-7 hours a night. She smiles a lot and is starting to coo. She knows who her momma is and if someone else is holding her and I start talking she lifts her head in response (love). She laughs, smiles, frowns, cries, all in her sleep its amazing! I wonder what her dreams are about?! She holds her head up all on her own now and she she enjoys tummy time! Such a big girl!!!
To celebrate her birthday Mr. G and I gave her her first bath!!! At first she was unsure about the bath and then seemed to love it so much she almost feel asleep!!!

Chillin she is cool like her daddy!

All wrapped up in daddy's arms! Safest place to be in my opinion :)
And we are spent!!!!
Here is my lil girl:
I feel so blessed to have such a beautiful daughter and an amazing husband! I love, love, love my little family!!!
My heart is bursting with love. And now I am starting to understand what it is to be a mother! I spend so much of my day holding her and just watching her sleep. Just ask Mr. G... cause the laundry is all unfolded on the bed waiting for me to fold it and put it away but I am afraid to set her down and that I may miss a precious moment of this stage that I will never have again with my first born child. But slowly and surely I am getting back into the swing of things! I also started to cook again! Yay! Mr. G is very happy about that!
1 Month update: Today she had a 1 month wellness check and here are her stats!
Weight: 8 lbs 11 oz (25th percentile )
Length: 20 1/5 inches long ( 25th percentile)
Development: She is a tiny little girl but good and healthy!!! Miss P is sleeping anywhere from 4-7 hours a night. She smiles a lot and is starting to coo. She knows who her momma is and if someone else is holding her and I start talking she lifts her head in response (love). She laughs, smiles, frowns, cries, all in her sleep its amazing! I wonder what her dreams are about?! She holds her head up all on her own now and she she enjoys tummy time! Such a big girl!!!
To celebrate her birthday Mr. G and I gave her her first bath!!! At first she was unsure about the bath and then seemed to love it so much she almost feel asleep!!!
Chillin she is cool like her daddy!
All wrapped up in daddy's arms! Safest place to be in my opinion :)
Here is my lil girl:
Thursday, February 3, 2011
A Birth Story... Part 1
Well I am unsure of how great my story telling ability is BUT I am going to give it a go, please bare with me ... Miss P is in my lap as I type.
Where to begin?
Ummm, It was Friday January 7, 2011 and I was 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant and headed to the hospital to get induced. I had no sings of labor up until this point. No contractions, I had been stuck at 1 centimeter dilated (barely) for 4 weeks. NADA. Nothing. Zilch!
That day I was nervous... ok really nervous! Nervous knowing that by the end of the weekend Mr. G and I would be joyfully bringing our own child into the world!
I had no idea what I was about to face in the upcoming days, it was probably better that I didn't!
DAY 1:
So, to start the process of labor they gave me Cervidil. Cervidil literally looks like a shoe lace that they place around the cervix to soften it up and make it ready for labor. This process take 12 hours. So my first night in the hospital was a hurry up and wait. They fed me dinner at the hospital. Had I known I wasn't going to be able to eat until that following Tuesday I would have eaten a lot more food!!!
DAY 2:
The nurses woke me up at 6am to remove the Cervidil! Good news: the cervidil had kick started some contractions for me, which is a step in the right directions! Bad news: no change in my cervix at all. The nurse says they will start me on Pitocin. Pitocin is the synthetic form of Oxytocin.
In my case it was to start labor! The bad thing about this drug is that the pain associated with this drug is intense because it causes intense contractions that are not natural. I was on this drug for about 30 hours!
Enough information on the drugs. So, the doctor comes in and says if there is no change in my cervix in the next 12 hours of being on Pitocin they will have to redo the Cervidil for an additional 12 hours to try again. This was not encouraging news at all!
So about 3 hours later I finally dilated to a full one! So the doctor decided that I was ok on this path and I did not need to redo the Cervidil. Yay!
So at this point I was having regular contractions, nothing too painful and nothing this tough girl couldn't handle. It wasn't until about 1pm that everything changed! I was talking to Mr. G, my mom, mother in law and our friend John when I felt a very painful pop! I thought wow baby P just kicked me hard! Well that kick I felt was my water breaking! And it was from that moment on that every contraction HURT LIKE HELL! Might I add that my contractions at this point were about 6 mins apart! I was only 2 centimeters dilated! So after about 3 hours of intense contractions the doctor finally approved for me to get an epidural!!! It was such a relief to finally not feel like I was dying. (Oh ya at this point I was only allowed to eat ice chips and let me tell you how unsatisfying that was when I was so so so thirsty!)
(Mr. G feeding me ice chips and talking me through a contraction)
So, during the epidural we had a scare. Miss P did not like me laying on my side and her heart rate sky rocketed to about 22o bpm and they quickly took me off my side and gave me oxygen and monitored me for about 15 mins. The doctors believe that me laying on my side was stressing her out or her umbilical cord was getting smashed. They ended up sitting me up right to give me my epidoral, a quick process ended up taking over an hour because of our scare with Miss P.
After all was said and done I was thanking my lucky stars for my epidural! And was able to get a good nights rest! Tomorrow was the big day... the doctor came in and told me that no matter what, she was coming tomorrow! I was very tired and excited!!!
Part 2 coming soon...
Where to begin?
Ummm, It was Friday January 7, 2011 and I was 40 weeks and 2 days pregnant and headed to the hospital to get induced. I had no sings of labor up until this point. No contractions, I had been stuck at 1 centimeter dilated (barely) for 4 weeks. NADA. Nothing. Zilch!
That day I was nervous... ok really nervous! Nervous knowing that by the end of the weekend Mr. G and I would be joyfully bringing our own child into the world!
I had no idea what I was about to face in the upcoming days, it was probably better that I didn't!
So, to start the process of labor they gave me Cervidil. Cervidil literally looks like a shoe lace that they place around the cervix to soften it up and make it ready for labor. This process take 12 hours. So my first night in the hospital was a hurry up and wait. They fed me dinner at the hospital. Had I known I wasn't going to be able to eat until that following Tuesday I would have eaten a lot more food!!!
DAY 2:
The nurses woke me up at 6am to remove the Cervidil! Good news: the cervidil had kick started some contractions for me, which is a step in the right directions! Bad news: no change in my cervix at all. The nurse says they will start me on Pitocin. Pitocin is the synthetic form of Oxytocin.
In my case it was to start labor! The bad thing about this drug is that the pain associated with this drug is intense because it causes intense contractions that are not natural. I was on this drug for about 30 hours!
Enough information on the drugs. So, the doctor comes in and says if there is no change in my cervix in the next 12 hours of being on Pitocin they will have to redo the Cervidil for an additional 12 hours to try again. This was not encouraging news at all!
So about 3 hours later I finally dilated to a full one! So the doctor decided that I was ok on this path and I did not need to redo the Cervidil. Yay!
So at this point I was having regular contractions, nothing too painful and nothing this tough girl couldn't handle. It wasn't until about 1pm that everything changed! I was talking to Mr. G, my mom, mother in law and our friend John when I felt a very painful pop! I thought wow baby P just kicked me hard! Well that kick I felt was my water breaking! And it was from that moment on that every contraction HURT LIKE HELL! Might I add that my contractions at this point were about 6 mins apart! I was only 2 centimeters dilated! So after about 3 hours of intense contractions the doctor finally approved for me to get an epidural!!! It was such a relief to finally not feel like I was dying. (Oh ya at this point I was only allowed to eat ice chips and let me tell you how unsatisfying that was when I was so so so thirsty!)
(Mr. G feeding me ice chips and talking me through a contraction)
After all was said and done I was thanking my lucky stars for my epidural! And was able to get a good nights rest! Tomorrow was the big day... the doctor came in and told me that no matter what, she was coming tomorrow! I was very tired and excited!!!
Part 2 coming soon...
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