Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I am thankful for...

Thanksgiving is tomorrow which means a day filled with meaningful time with friends, family and loved ones oh and food coma!!

I am so blessed to have so many things to be thankful for!!! This holiday is great reminder that when things seem bad they could always always be worse!

Here is my list of things I am thankful for:

10. "I'm grateful for the earth... I'm grateful for the stars and the sky..." no no I kid, I am grateful my life and health!

9. My car it seems silly, but honestly I am so thankful that I am able to have one and not walk everywhere. If anyone comes to visit me out here you will understand 100% what I mean.

8. My doggies. They are my constant companions and source of continued entertainment while I live in no mans land!

7. Technology. I know lame, but the internet, phones, movies etc. are amazing without it I couldn't post these blogs and keep friends and family who live far away updated on whats going on over here! Plus internet shopping is a life saver!

6. For football. Again a tad cheesy but honestly Mr. G would be miserable without it! He lives for coaching football and he just LOVES finding that special kid who was over looked to bring onto the field. Plus he pays the bills doing what he loves! He makes me proud.

5. Love. I love love.

4. My sister. She is my best friend. And she is awesome I could go on and on but I will let be known she rocks! She is going to be the best auntie ever!

3. My family. Both sides. They. Are. Awesome. Even at times when I seem annoyed or ungrateful, I am so thankful for them.

2. This precious miracle I am carrying. I am so in love with her and I haven't even met her yet.

1. Most importantly my husband... I am beyond thankful for him so I decided to write a little ditty about it...this is, therefore,

Ode To My Husband

Thank you for being you

For getting up early to go to work to support us

For wanting a partner, not a pseudo mother figure as a wife

For spending hours listening to me ramble about nothing important when you get home

For having such a vivid way of telling stories and keeping me updated on the "drama"

For loving me, even when I'm being selfish and tired

For thinking things through first and being a voice of reason when I get irrational and just being the rock in my life.

For doing all the man jobs.... like killing the bugs, chasing after the dogs, lifting heavy things etc.

We will have been together for 5 years and married 11 months next week, I am so blessed to have you

I am grateful for you!


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