I bombed the place! No lie! I did a bug bomb on my whole condo. It was successful for the first hour. Then about an hour after I returned home and spent tons of time OCD cleaning the condo of the chemicals (don't worry I wore a mask and my sister did the most of the initial wiping down) so that me, baby, and puppies would be safe.
Anyways, I am cleaning the kitchen and I kid you not the flies started showing up again! And not just a few but like 20 of them!! If anyone had the opportunity to be a fly on the wall during this discovery you would have die of laughter or chemical fumes your pick, but I WENT NUTS! No joke and I am not ashamed to admit it! I screamed, threw the Windex bottle, the brooms and started cursing like a sailor. I reminded baby G in the middle of my freak out session, that she is never allowed to talk like Mama and for her to instantly forget the words she is hearing! See I am going to be a fantastic mother?! Back to the fruit flies. I was cleaning and I swear these little F*ers kept coming back!!! (Can you feel my rage? I will tone it down from here on out, pinkie promise) Anyways, the whole point is that after hours of cleaning, killing, catching, bombing, cleaning, swearing, crying, ruined lunches and dinners... I FOUND THE SOURCE! I could not have felt more victorious and stupid at the same time! I literally did the happy dance! Just take a second to imagine it...cleaning gloves on, spray bottle in hand, round belly, doing the running man and yelling yes! People, I kid you not this is no exaggeration! I was THAT happy! If I was allowed I would have had a champagne toast as well! What was the culprit you ask? The freaking trash compactor! I NEVER EVER use it, because we have a large awesome trash can that we got as a wedding gift and holds way more trash and that is important because it lessens the trips to the garbage! Plus, I feel like trash compactors are sorta dated and useless..if I am going to remain honest here. Anyways when I opened this nasty thing HUNDREDS of fruit flies can flying out! So freaking gross. And I NEVER thought to look in there for stuff, because I never had used it! So ladies and gentleman, I have not won this battle yet but I sure as hell am on my way!!!
Whew, I was able to eat breakfast today undisturbed which was an amazing feeling!
Here is some visual stimulation of what my kitchen has been looking like!
You can't tell in the photo but the trash compactor is wide open airing out. And the blinds you ask...they got messed up in my hissie fit of throwing stuff around like a little brat. Ya, its ok you can call me that, just not to my face please. I may take it personal. Try it on me in 4 months! Thanks!
Glad you found the source of those pesky flies! Really enjoyed the update! :) "Hi!" to Tiffany!