Monday, August 30, 2010
A personal request!
So, having said that I had a request to do a video of the lake area outside our condo. I did it, finally. Sorry it took so long, some of you may find this mind blowing-ly( and yes I did just make that word up!) boring. For those of you who like to map things out in your head *cough* Ronnie *cough* here you go! Enjoy! And sorry its kinda bumpy, I put all the blame on the dogs :)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Weekly Update: Week 21
THIS WEEK THE BABY IS: Baby girl you now weigh about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long . I feel like your are practicing martial arts in my belly now that your movements have turn into full-fledged kicks and nudges. Mama also discovered you have a pattern to your activity! As I am getting to know you get to know you better. In other developments, baby girl your eyebrows and lids are present now, and since your a little girl, your girlie bits have begun to form as well.
WEIGHT GAIN: 15 lbs! Starting to gain more and more!
CURRENT MOOD: Content! I actually love being pregnant. Now, I do not think I have that pregnancy glow that some woman have nor do I think its a good look for me...but in all honestly I love it!
CURRENT CRAVING: Sweets! I never been a chocolate person, but I want it now!
CURRENT WORRY: Stretch Marks!!! Need I see more!
(I feel so much bigger than I look hahaha)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Everyday Mr. G and I walk by the tree we stop and look at the butterflies!
Mr. G has even had the chance to hold one. Unfortunately there is no photo of proof of this, so you have to take my word for it.
My camera does not do this tree or these beautiful things any justice! I am so asking for one of those fancy cameras for Christmas!!! Too bad Mr. G doesn't read this I am going to have to drop some hints soon!
Behold the beauty!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Weekly Update: 20 Weeks
THIS WEEK THE BABY IS: Baby girl you weight about 10 1/2 ounces now. Your also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel (For the first 20 weeks, your legs are curled up against your torso and it is hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of your head to your bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, we now measure you from head to toe.)
Baby G you are now swallowing more these days, which is good practice for your little digestive system. Your also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in your bowels, and you'll see it in your first soiled diaper, which mommy will gladly change for you!
WEIGHT GAIN: 14 lbs! Staying steady!
CURRENT MOOD: Good mood! Getting really excited for her to get here!
CURRENT CRAVING: This week it was bacon!
CURRENT WORRY: Making sure I register for everything we need and get the decorating under way before football season starts!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Weekly Project
Mainly these ideas will be for the baby or babies room but its something to keep my busy!
This week I decided to tie dye some baby onesies!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
*Update Fruit Flies
I bombed the place! No lie! I did a bug bomb on my whole condo. It was successful for the first hour. Then about an hour after I returned home and spent tons of time OCD cleaning the condo of the chemicals (don't worry I wore a mask and my sister did the most of the initial wiping down) so that me, baby, and puppies would be safe.
Anyways, I am cleaning the kitchen and I kid you not the flies started showing up again! And not just a few but like 20 of them!! If anyone had the opportunity to be a fly on the wall during this discovery you would have die of laughter or chemical fumes your pick, but I WENT NUTS! No joke and I am not ashamed to admit it! I screamed, threw the Windex bottle, the brooms and started cursing like a sailor. I reminded baby G in the middle of my freak out session, that she is never allowed to talk like Mama and for her to instantly forget the words she is hearing! See I am going to be a fantastic mother?! Back to the fruit flies. I was cleaning and I swear these little F*ers kept coming back!!! (Can you feel my rage? I will tone it down from here on out, pinkie promise) Anyways, the whole point is that after hours of cleaning, killing, catching, bombing, cleaning, swearing, crying, ruined lunches and dinners... I FOUND THE SOURCE! I could not have felt more victorious and stupid at the same time! I literally did the happy dance! Just take a second to imagine gloves on, spray bottle in hand, round belly, doing the running man and yelling yes! People, I kid you not this is no exaggeration! I was THAT happy! If I was allowed I would have had a champagne toast as well! What was the culprit you ask? The freaking trash compactor! I NEVER EVER use it, because we have a large awesome trash can that we got as a wedding gift and holds way more trash and that is important because it lessens the trips to the garbage! Plus, I feel like trash compactors are sorta dated and useless..if I am going to remain honest here. Anyways when I opened this nasty thing HUNDREDS of fruit flies can flying out! So freaking gross. And I NEVER thought to look in there for stuff, because I never had used it! So ladies and gentleman, I have not won this battle yet but I sure as hell am on my way!!!
Whew, I was able to eat breakfast today undisturbed which was an amazing feeling!
Here is some visual stimulation of what my kitchen has been looking like!
You can't tell in the photo but the trash compactor is wide open airing out. And the blinds you ask...they got messed up in my hissie fit of throwing stuff around like a little brat. Ya, its ok you can call me that, just not to my face please. I may take it personal. Try it on me in 4 months! Thanks!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Weekly Update: Week 19
THIS WEEK THE BABY IS: Baby girl your sensory development is exploding! Your brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. Some research suggests that you may be able to hear mommy and daddy's voice now, so those song we have been singing to you and the conversations we share with you, you can probably hear it now! Baby girl you weigh about 8 1/2 ounces and measures 6 inches, head to bottom —about the size of a tomato Your arms and legs are in the right proportions to each other and the rest of your body now. Your kidneys continue to make urine and the hair on your scalp is sprouting whoo-hoo (for all those cute bows momma bought you!). A waxy protective coating called the vernix caseosa is forming on your skin to prevent it from pickling in the amniotic fluid.
WEIGHT GAIN: 14 lbs! whew!
CURRENT MOOD: Good mood! I get irritable easily thanks to baby girls extra estrogen! boo
CURRENT CRAVING: I would say that I am eating Gold Fishes very consistently! Does that count?!
CURRENT WORRY: The weight gain! I am walking 4 days a week and gained 2.5 lbs this week!!! I talked to the doctor about it and he says and that I am right on target with my weight gain and that they will tell me when to worry! So I will!
If you look closely you can see my belly button has popped out, not all the way but it is obvious when I wear t-shirts!
Monday, August 9, 2010
A bit of sunshine
I just wanted to share a little bit of my sunshine!
Don't you just love it?! For those dog lovers out there you understand how awesome it is too see your pets love each other!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
So, after I threw away all the fruit and food in the house that I thought would attract the flies. I decided to researched how to remove the fruit flies. This is what I came up with! You get a clear bowl, pour vinegar in the bowl and cover it with saran wrap, poke a few holes in the saran wrap and this is the end results!
Wish me luck people! I need it!
Friday, August 6, 2010
10 things...
1. Go to the local rodeo!
2. Attend the Hog Races. I hear they are really fun!
3. Make a friend my age :)
4. Visit a historical sight in the area.
5. Go to Charleston
6. Go the the towns baseball game, they also say that is fun. (It is neither minor or majors for those who may be curious)
7. Water ski ( Yes, post baby!)
8. Find out why only one side of the street has watering wells.
9. Go to the beach (its a 3 hours away)
10. Go to the drive in!
I know this is not the most exciting list or the most fun things to do ever, but it will be something fun to check off as time goes on! If anyone has any other ideas or better ones than I said let me know!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Weekly Update: Week 18
Week: 18
THIS WEEK THE BABY IS: Baby girl your about 5 1/2 inches long weigh almost 7 ounces!! You are busy flexing your arm and legs — movements that I have start noticing more and more as the weeks go on. Lil girl your blood vessels are visible through your thin skin, and your ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from your precious lil head a bit. A protective covering of myelin is beginning to form around your nerves, a process that will continue for a year after your born. Baby girl your uterus and fallopian tubes are formed and in place so when your grown and married you are prepared to have babies of your own!
WEIGHT GAIN: 11 lbs!
CURRENT MOOD: Elated! I am over the moon excited to have little girl, princess, diva, mini me! I love feeling my little baby girl moving and grooving in my belly and boy are they getting stronger and stronger!
CURRENT CRAVING: No cravings :( My appetite I feel is pretty normal. I excepted it to be way more.
CURRENT WORRY: Not exercising regularly and not drinking enough water! I hate water and it is so hard to get myself to drink any during the day! Forcing myself late at night to drink all the water I missed just makes me get up in the middle of the night! ugh! I also worry that Mr. G will really go buy a gun like he promised to keep the boys away!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Meet Sherman!
So to start off Mr. G and I decided to do some prep work to help out!!
So, now I just need to learn the gender so I cans start to decorate! (Side note: I wrote this before I found out the gender! And now I know and can officially get to work! Yay!)