So as most of you know Mr. G and I drove across the country to get to our new home in North Carolina! We were accompanied by two great people, Mr. G's cousin Casie (my friend) and his good friend Jonathan. And man was it an adventure and surprisingly fun! It was lots of long roads, long naps, late nights and early early mornings with a side of scary hotels and greasy food!
So here is a photo story of our adventure!!

This is how packed the back seat of my car was!!! 4am were off and on the road!

Forrest is giving me this look like "Seriously, photos this early? Come on!"

And we are off and on the road!

A Raven! It huge and scary! It walked around with its mouth open like that. It was super creepy but I was totally in awe of it!

Grand Canyon! ( Please ignore the ugly woman who is pregnant and has been up since 4am! p.s. I am never wearing those sweat pants again! )

A cave! If I could, I would take the tour that takes you to the bottom and try to climb down to the cave!

Bobby and Jon climbed down part of the canyon and walked out onto that those little black dots you see are them! I really wanted to go down there with them but no one would let me. Boo!

Casie was taking random photos of me looking like the less cuter version of me so I had to take one of her too (although she always looks cute) Anyways here she is!

In the armpit of New Mexico, we drove threw that storm!

Here are some photos of the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial. This is an outside view before you walking into the courtyard.

The blast destroyed or damaged 324 buildings within a sixteen-block radius, destroyed or burned 86 cars, and shattered glass in 258 nearby buildings.
The bomb was estimated to have caused at least $652 million worth of damage.

This is a photo of a wall that was part of the building that was still standing.

The Oklahoma blast claimed 168 lives, including 19 children under the age of 6,
and injured more than 680 people. These chairs represent the lives lost, the smaller of the chairs are for the children that had lost their lives as well.

This is Forrest little seat on the ride and he rode here for about 98 % of the drive. What dog just sleeps there like its fun!?

Forrest was such a trooper on our ride and he was an even better guest in the hotels that we snuck him into. He ended up developing a hug crush on ( I mean who can blame him ) and all he wanted to do was snuggle with her and no one else! Such a sweet heart!

The Mississippi River! I was so excited to see this, if we were not on a time crunch, I would have made the boys stop the cars and put my feet in the water...maybe some day.

The boys bought a ton of Big League Chew chewing gum which is my all time favorite gum that always brings a wave of nostalgia from my childhood every time I crack open a pack! This is Bobby bubble, the things that entertain you on a 14 hour drive!

Along the way Casie REALLY wanted to stop at Elvis's house to see where he lived in Graceland. Unfortunately it is like $35-$50 for an hour tour and we didn't have the kind of cash or time for the trip so we just took a bunch of photos of around the area. And I got a Elvis coffee cup :)

The Heart Break Hotel across the street from Elvis's house.

This is seriously the name of the this store of nick knacks...what do you think they sell there?!

University of Tennessee football stadium during its renovations! Its breathtaking and in the middle of campus!

Crossing the North Carolina State line!