First, we started the weekend off at the Angel Game to support the opposing team! I know huh BOO! They didn't win but that is OK, Mr. G's cousin didn't pitch anyway so it didn't hurt that bad! eh! Mr. G's older brother definitely was enjoying the game a little too much. I am jelly that Mr. G's brother can fall asleep so easily, especially right now when I wish on all the stars in the sky for a full nights rest!

Sunday, that we attended my cousins 30Th birthday party! Who is also a fellow preggers and I might add always looks so dang cute and fashionable *sigh* I aspire to look at cute as her throughout my pregnancy and so far, I fail! All I can focus on is new high school acne and frizzy hair! But I am working on it! I just need to buy some clothes that fit and wash my face more. Right?! But that conversation is for another post!
Lastly, Monday, we went to a laid back BBQ which was really nice! We just hung out with some family, chatted, ate food, got some sun, and watched some soccer thanks to Cousin G! Btw Cousin G, I filled out my bracket for fantasy soccer. I don't want to do it, but I kinda have to! Cousin G, Cousin G, Cousin G! Ya, I'm in it to win it! Ok, I just needed to put that out there!
Welp, that was my weekend in a nutshell. Just writing it out made me tired. Whew. Now time for Glee Then bed!
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