Saturday, May 8, 2010

OMG...I am going to be a MOM!



I can't freaking believe it! I am going to be a mom!!!

People its true! I am knocked up, preggers, with child, I've got a bun in the oven!!!!

So as of today I am 7 weeks 1 day! Only 5 more weeks until I am in the clear and out of the first trimester and I already feel like I have been pregnant for a long time!
Mr. G and I are so over the moon and excited for this new adventure!!

So each week I will do an update on how I am doing along with regular posts that I promise to keep up with!

So here we go!

MONTH: 1 3/4


GENDER: Still unknown!!

THIS WEEK THE BABY IS: Hands and feet are emerging from developing arms and legs — although they look more like paddles at this point than the tiny, pudgy extremities you're daydreaming about holding and tickling. Technically, your baby is still considered an embryo and has something of a small tail, which is an extension of her tailbone. The tail will disappear within a few weeks, but that's the only thing getting smaller. Your baby has doubled in size since last week and now measures half an inch long. (

THE BABY SIZE: The lil baby is now the size of a blueberry!

WEIGHT GAIN: 2lbs ... oops!

SYMPTOMS: So far I feel great! Other than random boughs of extreme exhaustion and annoyed by perfumey smells. Some smells smell super duper over the top strong to me. I have switched my lotion, body wash, face moisturizer and roll the window down in the car with people who smell good because it no longer smells good to me!

CURRENT MOOD: Happy! I have learned that in moments of frustration I cry now. But I have yet to cry over a TV show, movie, commercial. As for trying to wrap my head around the concept that I am going to be a mother, in charge of another life and being responsible for the type of adult this baby will be come is a very overwhelming thought. I look forward to the challenge but I still feel like kid myself still! Its a good thing I LOVE babies and want to expand my family!

CURRENT CRAVING: Any food that I don't usually think of when I am hungry (i.e. Top Roman, oranges, grapes, fruit juice, waffles just to name a few but these are all one time eats) I have become extremely creative when it comes to eating food! Go figure! I also had one craving for a chocolate shake, but then the next day I tried it again and it did not taste as good. Bummer.

Becoming as big as a house, I am only 5'3 and every pound I gain is very noticeable! Plus my mom's lecture about how she didn't even show till she was 6 months and gained 20lbs with me at the age of 19 only adds to my worry that I will looking 6 months at 3 months! Therefore I vow to eat healthy and workout even when I don't want to because in the long run it will be worth it for me and the baby!


(Playing a little catch up here.)
2 weeks: (Positive test)

6 weeks:
7 weeks:

Btw, I totally stole this nifty format about the baby stuff from Our Little Haus she is a super cute gal having her first girl and love love love the way she keeps everyone updated on her pregnancy so I took bits of it and made it my own!

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