My husband, Mr. G is a great man he is loved by many people and he is the love of my life. Having said that, there are not very many things that make Mr. G show a lot of emotion and in general he is pretty even and mellow, unlike me who is this bundle of energy! This last week I had to question his sanity?! This man has bought 2 TV in one week. Did you hear me people?! 2!!!! Do I need to remind you that we are living at his parents’ house!!! What the heck are we going to do with 2 TVs?! Well ... let me tell you!
So TV number one is HUGE! Mr. G took me to Best Buy 2 separate times to show me "the TV" he wanted to buy... I giggled when he showed me all the specs and features that the TV had, trying to get me to understand how cool this really was. I thought it was cute but he seriously showed more enthusiasm for this TV than he did for our wedding!! Seriously? A Wedding or a TV? Wedding...TV? Is there really a comparison?! Clearly to him there is. So, this monstrosity of a TV is propped up in the back of his parents living on a table with chairs maybe 4 feet away. You would think this is way too close to sit and watch right? WRONG! Mr. G plugs in his PS3 plays video games and watches movies. Don't get me wrong I am extremely impressed with this TV, the clarity on this thing is incredible. Funny story, the other day I am watching TV in his room when he calls me. "Jen come here you have to see this!" I run into the other room thinking it something serious and I needed to get there quick! He called me into the room to show me that he found out that if he sits on the couch backwards he can watch new TV without sitting right in front of it. He was so excited he felt the need to call me over to show me. Clearly this man has lost is mind! It was by far one of the funniest he has ever done! He was so excited I couldn't help but be excited for him. Here is a photo of Mr. G and friend watching the new TV.
Now, TV number 2 is a good solid TV. This is my kind of TV, it is not too big and not too small with HD capabilities!! The only problem with this is that TV number one is so amazing that TV number 2 looks like crap! Great, so now I have been offically spoiled I have a hard time enjoying TV number 2. Gosh. Mr.G is going to make me electronically might maintenance. Now he is on a mission to buy blue rays.
*Shaking my head*