So, some of you know that I have been working with Ms. P on sign language. Well as of now it has been paying off tremendously! It is so amazing! She has figured out that my hand gestures mean things and she can communicate back to me!
She now knows a total of 4 signs. "more", "hi", food/eat" and "all done" It is amazing what those 4 words can accomplish. She does food when she is hungry. Tells me more when I haven't fed her enough or she want more kisses or tickling or tv, and all done when she no longer wants anymore food or is all done with bath time or playing. Its great to have this tool
The newest signs I am working on is "bath", "thank you", "no" and "sleepy / bed time" I am really hoping that sleepy / bed time will help a lot with some of sleeping issues we are having. As for no I think she got this one right away. The first couple of times I used it she cried.
They way I introduce new words with her is like this: I talk in sentences with her but when the key word comes up like, more, all done, eat/food I do the sign gesture with it and then repeat myself a few times to allow the sign words and association sink in! I just repeat myself A LOT!
Here are a few videos of her and I eating lunch and her communicating with me.
It is by far the best thing I have done for her in terms of teaching!