Here are some photos of our new home.. that we will be moving living in in T-minus 23 days! Ahhh
The owners still have a bit of cleaning up to do so if the photos look a tady "dirty" it's because it IS dirty!
My top 5 favorite things about this new place:
1. The backyard! The dogs now have a place to run, bark, pee, poop and go dog wild!
2. Storage! There is a garage and actual place to store stuff!
3. Space. There is a lot of room here! I love the condo on the lake and it so far has been my favorite part about living here in North Carolina so far, but its small and when you have more than 1-2 people over it is crowded and claustrophobic! So now we have 2 guest rooms!!! So everyone has a place to sleep, stay and hang out and that my friends makes me a happy mama!
4. Location. Well living in Boiling Springs is umm, well how do you say different. For those of you have yet to visit or see the area when you do you will laugh. It is literally 1 min away from Mr. G's school and 2 mins away from his office. Can you say awesome. He now can come home for lunch! And I can go to the track to run! Woot!
5. We are close to one of the coaches on Mr. G's staff that has a 1 year old that is fun. So hanging out is no longer a production. If I forget something drive less than 5 mins to the house and back to get what I need! Yup!
So, aside from trying to move form one house to the next (can you say stressful) I am excited. GG (my mom) is going to come and help me move for a few days at the end of the month to help me organize, move and decorate!
Here we go:
The neighbors back yard |
front of the house |
kitchen area |
more kitchen |
ugly living room brick wall...what to do with this?!! |
living room |
main bathroom (mine) |
was a tanning bed here, but this will be my workout area |
master bathroom |
dinning room |
baby room to be... should i paint? |